TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two


I am going to yell that randomly all day every holiday from now on.

I did that two weeks ago.

pre-made in this way with this number of servings, it’s not too far off of the prepped holiday meals served up by grocery stores all across this great land.

I use fatback or ham hocks. Depends on what I can find. Bacon? No.

That’s the thing that set me off last night.

Awwwww. No. Try someone else.

I couldn’t believe they’re charging $66 for this and they don’t even include a bottle of hot sauce.

On is good. In- you can’t cook proper collards if you cook the bacon and no other smoked pork *in* them.

I am on board with being #Teamallthepork.

Finish Him.

Best part of the Luvvie comments yesterday.


Understood, and laughing, but bacon belongs nowhere in decent collards.

Stuck it in a reply earlier and still haven’t seen word about it here.

This story was actually the best thing that happened to me yesterday.

Yeah I will have water and much Gatorade on hand. Much Gatorade.


I was going to go ahead and get a full fifth of Evan Williams 1783. I can’t afford Elijah Craig, and I think I’ll require the fifth although I won’t drink the entire thing. A pint isn’t gonna do it.