TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

RIGHT! That’s what the Dakota Pipeline protesters are doing wrong! They need a building. And to be white! And guns!

Fuck these fucking fucks with their fucking unanticipated dildos.

This is history. I say let her stay up. Social Studies class has nothing on this. I’m going to let our daughter curl up on the sofa and sit with her.

I voted the other day with a paper ballot, and I have to say I like them because I can eyeball the damn thing 16 times to make sure I’ve done everything correctly before feeding it into the machine. Also when I feed it into the machine the digital display changes, and this year I was voter #743 in my station.

Inauguration Day in 2009 was the first time our daughter had a huge snowfall. I left the TV on all day, and we would go play outside in the snow and then come back inside and warm up. She changed into footie pajamas out of her snowsuit and ate popcorn on the sofa while I drank hot chocolate and stole some of her

Imagine that...

*raises hand*

Oh I’m totally crying.

Here’s the whole thing. I’m weeping.

Yay! Let’s watch it again.

Gonna put on my Docs and my jeans and my Rey shirt that says, “Join the Resistance,” and probably get my haircut prior so as to show proper respect, because right now I look like Heat Miser.

I cried my eyes out.

There is no good time, but this is a terrible time for this to happen. Safe journey, Maverick.


Oh Thank goodness. I checked over and over to make sure my circles were right today, and I thought, “I’ve never done this before.”

Also- folks- I voted today.

He’s advertising on YouTube.