TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

This showed up in my FB feed, and I scurried on over here like someone was offering free pizza.

When I finally calm down my husband will holler, “CHEER UP!” because he’s a jackass and wants to make sure I can’t function for another 15 minutes or something.

Same here. Honest to goodness tears running down my face, and people just humor me. And that makes me laugh even harder.

Is there anything better than cracking your ownself up?

I am dragging my math-loving daughter out to see this before the people at school somehow manage to convince her that girls don’t “do” math.

I looked just like the above image while watching this this morning.

My son’s name is Jonas. He’s named after a friend.

“Whoever said they were? Only the Bible or something. No one’s ever said that’s a good idea.”

*right click*

Now playing

I’m so sorry- but the only real laugh I’ve had since this news broke was your comment making me sing, “’Cause I’m a blonde! B-L-O- I don’t know!”


I held it together until Joe spoke about the asking THREE TIMES about using nuclear weapons.

My mom was born during the Depression, and she calls me on the verge of losing it.

Update: Trump’s campaign sent out the following statement:”

It reminds me of the people in my state who counter any criticism of current government with, “If you don’t like it- leave!” even to people who were born and raised here (NC).

Angry/upset/ concerned/serious = Yelling.

I’m in.

“What the GOP is doing isn’t just attacking Clinton. It’s a wide shotgun spray that damages every trusted institution in America and says that it’s all worthless. It says that information itself is bad, because it doesn’t explain the way you feel about candidates.”

That’s pretty much like when my husband, early on, would tell me to stop “yelling.” My answer was, “No- that’s not yelling. That’s just firm. I’m unhappy. Do you want me to yell to show you the difference?”

Starred for content AND user name.