
That was the most ridicoulus part: Wolf did, at the Correspondents Dinner, an Event for JOURNALISTS, exactly what journalists are supposed to do on a daily basis: She openly stated inconveniend truths without being intimidated by those with more power or influence than her, nor being held back by norms and standards

The detective is playing his character as well and enjoying the limelight and attention. Of course Bittenbinder has something to say he is an old man who still has a MySpace account.

In spite of the tribune’s headline, I absolutely think the guy was being humorous...  “You don’t wear a three-piece suit with a cowboy hat. That just doesn’t work. Doesn’t look good,” and the line about it being a fiver and some singles, not a 50. And barrel making is “an honorable profession.” I don’t think he lacks

i actually attended a bittenbinder talk decades ago. his stories made me nervous as i was about to move into my first apartment. but the one takeaway i still remember is to not let anybody take you to a secondary location because that is where they plan to kill you. i didn’t know he was still alive.

“Gina Brashears, the woman Trump has picked to oversee food safety for the Department of Agriculture, is a fun lovin’ gal with close ties to Big Ag and testified in court that “pink slime” is totally delish.”

Those poor misguided souls. It’s hard enough finding a regular porn flick that shows a man going down on a woman for more than 5 mins.

I’m very happy for The Rock and his partner, and I think that men publicly advocating for women’s pleasure is a great thing, but I’m still super pissed that if a woman said “Ah, I really like going down on guys and I make sure my man gets it right” she would immediately be labeled a slut or worse. Probably worse.

Any convo about genius artists that doesn’t include Missy Elliot can miss me lol. Also, Donald Glover is a mediocre rapper with good beats. Fight me.

Sources told Politico that Giuliani was at the Grand Havana before his unfortunate snafu on Hannity, which Giuliani said may or may not be accurate. “I sometimes go before,” he said. “I sometimes go after.”

Considering that some regard The Rock as the pinnacle of manliness, and part of Khaled’s statement was about there being “different rules for The King,” yeah I do think it was helpful. Besides, when stuff like this comes out about celebrities, no one cares what normal jamokes do; the only real counter is another

Has no one ever heard one of Rock’s promos? He frequently mentioned his fondness of eating pie of a certain variety.

But in New York they’re ‘Doing OK’ <3

Good for her. She’s right, and she will win, although I expect Weinstein to end up like OJ, living in a cash-transaction limbo. But she strikes me as a woman who can accept a moral victory.

Why aren’t more people talking about one of the best jabs; Mitch McConnell is getting his neck circumcised. That was fucking gold.

The party of “You libs just can’t take a joke!” is infamously incapable of taking a joke.

Bob Newhart ending. Colonel Phillips wakes up back in WWII and tells the O.S.S. to kill the Super Soldier program.