
Considering he’s been caught’s not a coincidence.

Also, you are clearly anti-constitution. Clearly anti-American. Move to Russia and lick Putin’s taint, which is clearly your biggest desire.

Okay you realize that there is no way you are a native to this land, right? So you should deport yourself immediately, bruh

Oh no I verbally attacked a racist piece of shit, the HORROR. Sorry, I don’t buy into the whole “be nice to racists” line. That’s enabling them. Racist.

oh fuck off racist. if you’re too much of a coward to call out BLATANT RACISM for what it is, you’re no ally. 

A narcissist who knows it will hurt her.

So you’re racist too, eh?

This racist piece of shit thinks it’s more likely that cars are parked INSIDE A GYM where children are playing basketball than they do a cop being a racist shithead. But obviously they are totally not racist! (/s)

are you fucking kidding me?! no car is in a god damned gym with children playing basketball. you’re really fucking stretching it. racist piece of shit.

Holy shit, are you dumb? Read the article. It's very clear. He was IN A GYM where basketball was being played, and was dribbling a ball. That's it. That's literally it. You racist pieces of shit will ignore the clear facts to make up your own racist rationalizations. There was no reason why this boy should have been

Just like many hardcore anti-choicers -- many of whom have had abortions themselves. THEIR choice is perfectly acceptable and right and pure because “reasons” but everyone else is horrible and going to hell for making the same choices.

I live in Vermont, lots of men do yoga here...straight men.

You really must either not have Netflix, or are not paying attention, then.

lol i think you’re the one that needs to get a grip

Imo, that’s clearly the point. She really doesn’t see how her “nurturing” is anything but, just as Mozart’s parents didn’t.

I don’t want any of my previous or current partners to tell the whole world about my sex life, period, tho. I’m no prude, it has nothing to do with shame, and everything to do with it being no one’s business unless *I* want to make it their business. For the record, I find K Michelle’s bluntness about their sex life

I don’t want any of my previous or current partners to tell the whole world about my sex life, period, tho. I’m no prude, it has nothing to do with shame, and everything to do with it being no one’s business unless *I* want to make it their business. For the record, I find K Michelle’s bluntness about their sex life a

I am really sorry you got so upset. I hope your day gets better for you.

Wow, condescending, non-apology, much? No apology for your ignorance... just sorry she got “so upset”. Yikes.

No no no no do not put rapists in the same space as survivors, what the fuck are you thinking? no no no no no