cuz it fucks with the status quo of white tech bros
cuz it fucks with the status quo of white tech bros
Hulu has so much good shit, though!
Well... Demi is 15 years older than Ashton. Many teen girls have kids when they are 15... (obvs not a good thing)... but... that is kind of irrelevant seeing as they are both unrelated adults. I’m a 37 year old woman and my bf is 14 years older than me. No one really bats an eye, but hey. Sexism.
bc page hits
Why shouldn’t 30-something year old ADULTS date other adults...?
Wait, what happened to Republicans believing in “small government” and a light federal hand?
This is some Borderline Personality Disorder shit right here.
He raped her.
So why is he the only one with the problem? He’s an adult, a very grown ass man, he can take care of himself, his DAUGHTER is not his fucking mother. Maybe he’s just a terrible person and a terrible dad.
Okay white boy
You have a tiny, limp penis, don’t ya?
Waaaaah. Maybe they should be running as dems instead. Fuck the Republican party.
Nope. You don’t know what racism is, do ya white boy?
Okay racist idiot, whatever you say. It was a YOGA CD, but because he’s black the bass must have been “bumping”, eh? Yeah because you’re racist and an idiot.
You’re a racist asshole, ya know that?
Found the racist white dude
He’s BPD. She needs to RUN.
He doesn’t know her dogs’ names?! Okay red flag. He doesn’t care about you, honey. Run.
Difference is Vern is an actual hero who saved those children through hard work and dedication. Musk ain’t done shit.
He’s always been a villain.