
Every time I hear about Sqirl I feel compelled to share how much it pisses me off. Idk if it’s because it makes me feel uncool, or what. But once I had an appointment near there at 9 am and planned for traffic to be horrendous so I woke up extra early with the idea of getting breakfast there at 8, when it opened.

Jelly usually means it’s made from fruit juice and pectin, which makes it, well gel. You can take a spoonful of jelly out of a fresh jar and it will leave a spoon-shaped hole. Jam is usually made from whole or cut fruit and may or may not rely on pectin to thicken, and is sloppier and chunkier. 

I don’t disagree with the fact that $9 for jelly toast is ridic, but your calculation doesn’t include the rent, labor, or insurance costs, though I have no idea what to even break those down to per toast.

When MommyFatale was still with us, she and I made jam all through the summer as fruits ripened. It was fun, easy, delicious, and my GOD were those jars of jam beautiful. She used to say they looked like jewels, and she was right. Make your own jam, call it artisanal if you must. Even the best store-bought preserves

maybe I’m getting too middle class for my own good but I always find the

I’m not a food inspector, but I have worked in several restaurants in my life.

This moldy jam Pam also told Eater in an interview in 2016 when asked what allows her restaurant to be profitable- what her “cheat” is (ew), and I mfing QUOTE:

The kindest explanation for the moldy jam is that they were trying to make low-sugar jams and not paying attention to the fact that sugar is a preservative, and without a significant portion of sugar, jam goes bad a lot faster than one might otherwise expect.

I’ve kind of said that I generally don’t care what happens between them so long as it works for them. But then what makes me back off that is that they want to have their cake and eat it to with the public. If your whole brand is selling how open you are with the public, it always strikes me as beyond hypocritical for

But why does only their marriage and family life matter? What about what August wanted and needed? Don’t have an entanglement/affair/whatever(open/poly) with someone and then disregard that persons wants and needs and desires just cause gotta save the marriage at all costs. The cost can be someone’s dignity.

Joan has always been weirdly bitter and salty about the mere existence of celebrities and it leaks into her writing all the time, which is odd since she presumably knew this was a celebrity gossip site when she got hired.

My conspiracy theory is that Will knew something was happening with the AA, but didn’t think it was a romance or whatever. I def had a friend forgive her husband for what she thought was a stupid mistake and then unforgive him when she found out it was an actual affair.

Entanglement” is to “affair” as “conscious uncoupling” is to “divorce.

I do think August Alsina had some shady reasons behind why he made all that public however I’m a little uncomfortable about how him and Jada’s relationship started, (if it was a young woman being helped by an older man with their mental health struggles then things became sexual... I’d be side eyeing the man in the

it was “a joy to help heal somebody,” although I wouldn’t necessarily describe bringing a much younger person into your relationship to mentor them, then pursuing a relationship with them after separating from your husband, as “healing.”

I know its not quite the same thing but I’m the same age as Naya Rivera and a dozen people from my high school graduating class of about 300 have died. There was one early this year, but many were within the first five years post-graduation.


I am beginning to wonder if Lea Michele put a curse on the rest of her castmates.

So it was just her and her son on the boat?  Am I getting that right?

Lea Michele did it.