
Rude! I have a similar lake family reunion, since my parents‘ college buddies and their families became my de facto extended family.

Mid-2000s: 4th of July in New York. Hot, humid, and dealing with the worst UTI I’ve ever had. I was riding the hot + humid subway to a rooftop party when I absolutely had to piss glass shards (anyone who’s had a UTI knows the feeling). I inform my boyfriend at the time that I needed to go home NOW and wanted to be

I’m going to guess that never happened because: these people had no idea who I was; had no idea I was coming; had no idea what my name was; and assumed I was a freeloading party crasher.

I sympathise. As I said in the above post, it’s basic good manners to make introductions, and at least some polite conversation. But, I would never ask to hold a baby unless the parent needs help, is it me, or is that a little creepy? I mean, most of us love babies, but without being introduced, the parents don’t know

Can we talk about this please? Because I’ve seen this a lot in boyfriends and my husband. Isn’t it a basic manner to introduce two people who have never met? I always do this.

Your ex’s family sounds either incredibly insular or incredibly ill-mannered. My hub’s family is similar (insular and ill-mannered). They don’t know how to politely include outsiders in conversations, or how to get to know people. They just ignore them. 

Let me start off by saying my ex is a moron.

I got close to black out (if only) hammered while staying at my family’s lake house by like 6 p.m. I ended up offering beer to some 13 year old sister of a family friend (she declined). Then I was smoking on a row boat, decided to stand up, fell in the water and lost my favorite sunglasses. I was literally sent to bed

there is NOTHING humble about Ellie’s background.  She was born into fabulous midwest wealth and power ... her grandma has a whole goddamn museum named after her on the grounds of Wash U.  ... and that takes some wealth, power, and networking in Missouri. It that old acting itch didn’t work out for Ellie there was

Yes, those Kempers. Ellie Kemper “won” the ball as a teenager. She’s a delight but the fact that she and her sister never explain they got where they are 100% based on not needing to work for money always makes me go hmmmm.

It’s at an intersection of Wicker Man and “Rihanna’s Met Ball Costume” that, until this moment, I didn’t even know existed.

I feel like this writeup requires prior knowledge of the ball. I took a look at the Atlantic article and it seems like it was envisioned along the KKK aesthetic and is exclusively for upper class white St. Louisians.

The sound track is on spotify, so I listened to it on a loop driving home from work today! Ja ja... ding dong! (ding dong!)

Ahem.... No mention of Dan Stevens in your review? He was the funniest part of the trailer. How is he in the movie?

I didn’t find it contradictory. The main obstacle the whole movie was Lars’ ridiculous desire to WIN. Him letting Sigrid sing her song and disqualify them was him letting go of that. Sigrid wanted to settle down, have Lars’ baby, and sing songs for her friends the whole time. You can see it when she chafes at the

This summers must have item: Ancient Greek Statue

Even if TX goes blue (and FL too, by the looks of it) and Biden wins, the mainstreaming of the far right will plague us until the republic is toast. 200+ Dump judges...if we take all three branches hopefully we learned from 2009-10. No room for complacency this time around. Terminate, repeal, indict. The transition

Clearly the last film should be titled Mamma Mia: Waterloo and should involve all the characters being killed off

I always read a lot, but i’m at a whole other level right now. I just finished 3 books in 3 days, all beach read type books. I’ve read 20 books since SIP started. I read at home, inside, outside, in bed, in my home office bed, basically anywhere at home, since i don’t go anywhere anymore.