
The statement from CNE about engagement metrics being more focused around the content itself, rather than the personalities flies in the face of their digital strategy around promoting the individuals that make up their test kitchen. It’s 100% a CYA statement to buy them time to figure out how to generate some good

I only know the food side of it, but I’ve hard a lot of the same problems exist on the journalism side. Like, getting a good job generally means you worked a lot of unpaid internships or horribly compensated spots to “build your resume” in a way that a lot of people just can’t afford to do.

I was struggling to recall who Shirley Jackson was (its a quite pedestrian name) then I remembered. She was days away from being lobotomized in a mental hospital when her first novel got accepted for publication, so the doctors said ‘In that case, nevermind’.

super excited to see this. I thought “We Have Always Lived in the Castle” was a little too tame (they focused too much on cousin Charles and he’s not that interesting and it was the least interesting performance in the movie). It was well cast, they just didn’t really explore the potential. I think “Stoker” was

Sounds about white.  Nothing like failing upwards, it’s a good job if you can get it.  

Someone is on deck for a SCOTUS nomination.

Oh horror is my jam and my children have been off school so I haven’t been able to watch any (I usually watch it while I fold laundry). I very much liked “The Open House” on Netflix. And the entire Conjuring universe although its a little Catholic heavy and a dog does die in the first one (its brief). The Veil with

The Man Who Knew Too Little made me laugh so hard I was literally doubled over. Also, if you’ve never seen Tommyboy, with Chris Farley and David Spade, it’s silly and fun. 

I am so sorry...I hope the fun, dumb movies help. 

The Great Outdoors is a classic, IMHO.


Well, I just watched escape from New York. Pretty fun. The best was when my husband said that his tattoo makes it look like his dick is smoldering. Maybe that was the effect they were going for. I wouldn’t have minded checking Snake over to be sure all was well.  Not a good movie, but a good nostalgia watch  

Awwww, bullshit!  I’m sorry!  I hope you can get together sooner rather than later, if not the wedding.... blargh.  Hot Fuzz is my family’s go-to constant rewatch movie. We think it’s hilarious. It’s one of the .... maybe three movies my dad can consistently (correctly) quote from (Hott Fuzz, Pirates of the Caribbean,

The Nice Guys is a HORRIBLE movie that is so dumb and stupid but also perfect for this purpose. 

I find that "The Hunt for the Wilderpeople" is always enjoyable.  

That sucks hairy donkey balls. I am so sorry!

Dude, Where’s My Car got members of my family through tragedy. I also like the bachelor party movie with what’s his face and the toothless guy and Mike Tyson and the tiger, in Vegas. 

You’ll have a story to tell the grandkiddies about how you and grandad had to postpone the wedding due to the legendary Quarantimes.

I am sorry. That just sucks.  I saw The Gentlemen recently and it was quite good. 

This is just all round a lovely little story for our weird and dispiriting times...