
The Potemkin villages part is true, but Peter was A) absolutely obsessed with Prussia, and Catherine B) was indeed influenced by the Enlightenment, although it didn’t translate as much to her reforming institutions to democratize them as it did to help guide her with new ideas in the military and diplomacy. It’s weird

I saw somebody on Twitter pitch a “Where Are They Now?” epilogue episode, so co-signing that as well. 

I’m all for that season of “just getting up to stuff and nothing bad happens.”

Lots of Catherine the Great stuff going around.  Amazon Prime has some Russian series called “Ekaterina” starring a very very good looking woman as Catherine the G.  Three seasons to date.

TBH his reversal of diplomacy re Prussia in 7YW for nothing was dumb and enough of a justification for a coup.

I DO NOT GET THIS. What kind of compartmentalizing asshole just “forgets” a long term serious relationship? And he wasn’t down for physical adultery, he clearly simply enjoyed having you on the string! ASSHOLE!

Ugh, I hate that kind of person—who doesn’t have the courage to just dump you and keeps pretending there’s nothing wrong when clearly there IS.

A weird one for me was when I reconnected on Facebook with a very old middle school friend I hadn’t seen in twenty, thirty years, and she apologized for some kind of fight or something? that we had? that I have absolutely no memory of whatsoever. We didn’t have some giant blowout, I just moved out of town and lost

I had a really abusive family and spent the first 24 years of my life assuming that everyone who met me secretly hated me or was a few days away from hating me. In retrospect I realize that was a self-fulfilling prophecy and I pushed everyone away, but at the time it made sense to me that I was a garbage loser. When I

I’m so sorry, it’s not you, it’s her. She knows what she is doing. No one could be that obtuse to how that would make their friend feel and if they really are that obtuse, that’s also a big problem. 

We were a tight group of high school friends. After college, we still hung out weekly, most of us moved back and lived near our hometown. We got married. Were bridesmaids for each other. Had families and barbeques together.

My best friend from high school moved to England to teach and met another Ontarian there. They came home for Christmas and that year my mother had decided to leave my family for her internet boyfriend in the States (that week). I was a full grown adult but my younger brothers were 10 and 12 and my sister was 18, lived

I kind of wish they kept in the fact that Catherine’s mother tried and failed to be spy in the Russian court for the Prussians and almost got them both kicked out of Russia.

One of my dearest bridesmaids took his side in the divorce immediately and unquestioningly cut me out of her life, without ever talking to me about it. This was years ago. I still have no idea what I did or what he said to her, but it must have been awful enough for her to make that decision, and yet not awful enough

My former best friend and I met when we were 11. We were best friends for many years. I was the maid of honor at her first wedding and she was my maid of honor. She was in the room when my Daughter was born. I helped her move out in haste when she came out to her family, and they didn’t take it well. We were roommates

I moved into an apartment with a friend I’d known online and met irl for a few different weekends back when I used to play yugioh. He’d masturbate on the couch in broad daylight, even if I was in the apartment but not in the living room, never shared in the cleaning of the apartment, and expected me to cook for him if

One of my best friends from high school went on to the same college as me. We decided to live together for our third year, sharing a room in my apartment because it was right next to campus.

I’m really looking forward to this as Peter III is one of the great dolts in history. There’s endless ways he could be used for comic fodder