Prairie dresses are not attractive at all.
Prairie dresses are not attractive at all.
I think part of the issue there is that open plan offices are a fucking scam and bad for everyone’s productivity, kids or no. Person in the next cube has a postnasal drip? Problems with his girlfriend that he’s telling his mother about in excruciating detail? A penchant for ska played loudly on woefully inadequate…
I was imagining a sort of trompe l’œil effect, where the lanyard was printed onto a onesie, and the badge attached via clip, like those pacifiers on a string.
It’s delightful! Even though she’s definitely sensual, she’s also so incredibly good-natured that I wouldn’t be mad if she tried to put the moves on my man.
That’s so true! Ultimately, your kid is fed. I don’t even know whether I was bottle or breast fed, and I still turned out okay, because the bigger things were taken care of—my mom spent time with me, met my basic physical needs, treated me with affection and respect.
Right? Baby lanyard or bust!
Your ears aren’t connected to your heart. I’m sorry.
My mom is the 10th of 13. Family reunions are...big, and if you’re there and Black, I just assume we’re kin somehow (if you are a white woman, I assume you are Uncle Karl’s new girlfriend).
This is MAGICAL and I thank you so much*! My Instant Pot arrives tomorrow and I cannot wait to get started.
I like this, and you, and want to invite you over when I buy my Instant Pot to teach me to cook Indian food.
I think Haddish is probably aware that as a Black woman in Hollywood, accolades don’t necessarily mean people pay you more, or cast you more. What you need is an agent who advocates for you like all fuck, and cast members who use their clout to ensure you’re also paid fairly (like Jessica Chastain and Octavia…
Or hell, still deal with the Rhineland bastards case but two young people within that community.
Belle is FANTASTIC. It’s interesting and beautiful and I adore it.
I mean, if your tolerance for Rich White Bullshit is high (mine is where Claire Foy is concerned), I’d give it a go. If not, may I humbly recommend The Terror? He plays Lt. James FitzJames, a naval hero who seems like a douchebag but is actually a deeply principled cinnamon roll with a heart of gold.
I am pro-Tobias Menzies basically always. He is fine as hell.
Exactly! It’s rich, complex, and centers women’s experiences, relationships, and interiority--God forbid!
Almost certainly, but they’ll end up being good slavers, a thing that can totally exist if you are photogenic enough white people who bone a lot on tv.
I will say, having seen this photo and that one of her as a kid, she has always had the smug face DOWN. It’s honestly impressive.
Hey, other person on the internet! My specs look almost EXACTLY like yours--5'5, size 16. I’d been putting off dating until I was at a more “acceptable” weight. I finally decided it was bullshit, because my personality wasn’t going to get any thinner, and honestly, it was the best decision I’ve made lately. With one…