Ooh, curries! I love them so much, but Indian cooking is not something I have much experience with. I’ve heard good things about Chetna’s YouTube channel (she was on The Great British Bake Off) so I guess that would be a good start?
Ooh, curries! I love them so much, but Indian cooking is not something I have much experience with. I’ve heard good things about Chetna’s YouTube channel (she was on The Great British Bake Off) so I guess that would be a good start?
Oh, entirely! It’s the right call for someone who hasn’t got much experience or confidence in the kitchen, it’s just also so foreign to how I grew up (house full of women), that the mind still boggles a little when I consider it. Like people watching other people play golf, and paying extra for whole channels of it.
Hahaha, that’s so sweet! My stepdad is the same way: he cooks once a year, when he makes the sausage for the annual Svenson Family Danish Christmas Dinner. Outside of that, he will not go into the fridge to get himself a snack because it might need to go in the microwave and that is too much cooking. The sausages are…
The Obama family group chat. You know it’s got Barack being cheesy, and Sasha and Malia are *so annoyed* but secretly love it, and Michelle reminding them that it won’t kill them to eat a vegetable now and then.
I’m glad it makes you feel good! There is nothing wrong with hokey and cheesy that makes the world a better place. I hope you keep feeling good about yourself and do some good shit! Maybe make other people feel good about themselves, too. I dig it!
Time for us to start robbing some dudes and find out.
Ooh, I love this. It resonates so much more richly and deeply. Thanks for the extra knowledge!
I mean, given some of the straight men I’ve known...maybe? There are some who can cook, sure, but a lot of the ones I know either straight-up cannot cook, or else have a highly inflated opinion of their own abilities.
In lieu of a second person cooking, I’ll probably try cutting recipes in half so I can get that level of variety.
None taken. Thanks!
Thank you so much! The reminder about cheating makes a big difference—I’ve definitely not been as good as I should have been about sticking to my own limits, and that’s a little kick in the pants.
I mean, no regrets. It was fun, and it felt good to blow off some steam before finals.
It does, thanks.
Great! Hopefully it helps you, too.
Ooh, that’s smart! I should probably do this, because I am similarly tempted to eat multiple servings of a thing that was fine in a single, smaller serving.
Oh, I love to cook—that’s part of the problem! I tried doing the “you can have what you want, as long as you make it yourself” and that does not stop me. I have to channel my impulses in a healthier direction.
Ooh, yogurt! I love yogurt. Have you tried the Siggi’s Icelandic yogurt? It is seriously so good.
Thank you for the reminder about enjoying my body at any weight. At the beginning of the plateau, I told myself I could get new jeans when I broke 200 pounds, because it would mean I was at the halfway point to my goal weight. Now, it’s been months and I had chub-rubbed holes into both of my jeans, so I decided to say…
No pants is a very solid start.