
I would SO love to watch a version of Little Women where the March family is Black. Mr. March choosing to be an Army chaplain in the war would be so much more powerful. I feel like Jo would be dark-skinned, while Amy tries passing for white while she’s in Europe. It would be so fascinating.

I am SO EXCITED for this. I loved Little Women as a girl, reading my mom’s old copy from when she was my age under the covers. For Mothers’ Day a few years back, I sent her copy to a friend of mine who does book restoration, and had it spiffed up and some pages glued back in.

Thank you for this. I consider Mr. Rogers to be something of a spiritual master.


(Raises hand)

Right? Gladly.

As far as I know, Mr. Rogers really and truly was as good and kind as we’ve always believed: entirely faithful to his wife, and all those sweaters he wore were knitted by his mother.

UGH THIS HORSESHIT. Parents teaching their kids to understand and respect consent is what can stop this, plus stronger societal consequences. No woman I know was harassed because she wasn’t “strong” enough.

It’s absolutely a real thing—but I have massive doubts that it’s what’s at play here. I’m not interested in pretending that people say awful shit because they’re ill when frequently, it’s just because they’re kind of awful. If she does in fact have dementia, her publicist should be doing a better job of shielding her

Thank God for that! We need what good things we can scrounge up in this world.

I’m pretty sure my stepsister who hosted Thanksgiving this year thinks that way (she is a social worker, and super judgmental of her clients—ugh); thankfully, the day was mostly taken up with ensuring the dogs didn’t get at the turkey and playing Heads Up.

Gabby Douglas has, I understand, apologized and walked it back.

I am so sorry for what happened to you. I know you probably already know this, but it was not your fault. You deserve to be safe and to have nice things happen to you.

I certainly hope it wouldn’t have been her answer. It’s a pernicious thought process, that if women just X then men won’t assault us. There are ways that women can be complicit in our own oppression, but it isn’t through wearing makeup—it’s through blaming victims of assault like it couldn’t have just as easily been

Possibly, but I’m also pretty committed to the idea that learning and refining of one’s ethical principles is a lifelong process, so I don’t believe in the idea that I’d be a deserving of a pass just because I grew up in a different time.

Nicole Cliffe will be devastated. I’ve been loving her thirst tweets about Armie Hammer.

It is ridiculous. I’ve heard some people using the “she’s really old!” excuse. Fuck that, Angela, all that means is you’re old enough to know better and have some fucking compassion.

Probably. Someone like that doesn’t ever really stop; they just learn to hide it better.

There is, but I’m part of a pathways program that signed a contract back in 2016 before the change in administration. They did try not to hire the cohort ahead of me that had just graduated with their MAs, but Congress found out and made a stink (we have to intern on the Hill, so we had contacts) and it made the NYT,

I was thinking of a brim wide enough to ensure no one can really sit on either side of me.