Honestly, it totally makes sense. I think I might just wait until the end of the semester, and then consider trying again. But I am really loving all my free time, and hobbies, and cooking for myself.
Honestly, it totally makes sense. I think I might just wait until the end of the semester, and then consider trying again. But I am really loving all my free time, and hobbies, and cooking for myself.
WHAT the fuck that sounds amazing! I need that in my life!
Yes and yes. That love makes such a difference.
Ooh, France! That sounds amazing! As for podcasts, I really love LeVar Burton Reads—it’s basically Reading Rainbow for grown-ups.
This stuff being in the news all the time is hard, and I’m really trying to reckon with how unsafe I really am, like, all the time. I’m trying to be gentle with myself: I’m eating lots of poached eggs (my favorite), and taking baths, and listening to podcasts about my favorite TV shows. I’m giving myself permission to…
Ooh, princess cake is so good—enjoy!
It makes such a difference! And knowing my therapist can actually identify with those particular struggles makes it even more powerful.
It’s SOOO good! Vera Farmiga as Norma Bates is incredible—she just continually gives every scene her all, and Freddie Highmore is quite good, too. In the first two seasons, there are some subplots that don’t contribute a ton, but on the whole it’s really well-acted with a beautiful look.
Ugh, that’s so frustrating. I don’t have any suggestions, but I hope it works out for you soon.
I’m sorry—the way mental health gets thrown around after a mass shooting is bullshit and really alienating for those of us who deal with mental illnesses. I hope your meds help. Brains can be horrible sometimes.
Hey Jezzies! My question for the evening: how do you know when you’re ready to start dating after a breakup or a pause? I got dumped back in August, which conveniently coincided with a major uptick in my depression and anxiety, so I tapped out of almost all social things to get my health together. I’m in therapy, I’m…
My brain is weird but kinda good? I had a wonderful moment at therapy this week, where I finally talked about some identity stuff around race that makes me feel weird and guilty, and my therapist talked about how she is also biracial (same Black/white split as me) and that this stuff is weird and hard and even in POC…
Congratulations! Yeah, it’s been a weird, tough week. I am currently blowing my diet with a plate of cream cheese brownies from a friend’s party in Baltimore because damn it, I’m an adult and once I eat them they will be gone.
I LOVED Alias Grace! It was so well done, and I was obsessed with the costuming. Now, I’m moving back and forth between Bates Motel season 4 and Greenleaf, which is teaching me everything I didn’t learn about Black church as a child because my mother converted to Mormonism (and thus my religious education was handled…
I don’t get it, either. Admittedly, my beloved stepdad is not the best at some things (this is a man who will not open the fridge to get himself a snack because it might need to go in the microwave—he’ll cheerfully subsist on goldfish crackers and takeout), but he does literally all of the laundry, manages house…
Last season, he said that his foster parents agreed to let it look like he was living with them, while he actually stayed at his dad’s old trailer.
I firmly believe this cake is better than sex.
I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’ve been more aware of this stuff lately, too—a couple of weeks ago, I went with a friend to a diner, and as I was leaving, the line cook pulled me into a hug and hug-walked me outside, all while asking for my number and if we could go on a date. It was SO uncomfortable. I laughed…
This is exactly why I left my ex-boyfriend: lots of charming, self-deprecating talk about how much he sucked at x or y or needed to get his life together...and then nothing but more talk.