Wait, what? I need this!
Ah, the 70s! That makes a big difference. Mine was the mid-90s, and I just wanted to be a goddamned princess!
That is so terrible! I hope you bring it up at every chance you get.
I really want to buy myself a little footstool, because I’ve realized it is so much more comfortable, but my apartment is TINY and most of the time I’m lying down on my sofa anyway.
Okay, officially adding that to my carryon bag.
It gets you sent to The Bad Place. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I usually bring a special pair of plane socks that are extra warm because planes are FREEZING, but there are limits, y’all.
Right? Also, my four-year-old nephew was Spiderman this year. His brother was Harry Potter. They were adorable as fuck. Just let it go, y’all, because it will still be better than the year my mother had me go as a Christmas present.
Oof. That’s seriously not okay. Whatever happened to accepting gifts graciously? Or saying thank you?
This is the only version I can get behind.
That sounds horrifying. I’m so sorry.
A+ historical reference!
DON’T EVEN FRONT I would buy that for myself.
True, but in my experience, friends who tend to have some stuff in common, usually have more overlap in the things they watch or enjoy.
Your friend sounds almost aggressively uninformed about movies. I know people have other hobbies, but...yeesh.
Right? Alice seems to think that Southside High will just disappear, and not that those students will still have to go to school SOMEWHERE.
He’s a smart man.
Last weekend, I went driving in West Virginia to see the changing leaves, which was lovely. I also did a bonfire, which is a great excuse to drink beer and eat s’mores.
It is remarkably sweet. I love the glimpses into Lucas’s home life—calm family breakfasts with Miles Davis on in the background, and parents who give loving and reasonable advice.
She really is remarkable.