I’m so excited to watch this on Friday, and to add Alias Grace to my Christmas break reading list.
I’m so excited to watch this on Friday, and to add Alias Grace to my Christmas break reading list.
I am taking bits of joy whenever and wherever I can find them. More puppy videos, more baby pictures, and definitely more Christmas sweaters.
I’m down with it!
13/10, would elect sheriff (or sher-ruff?)
Puppicorn! I love it!
If education is a Curiosity Voyage (as Mr. Clarke of Hawkins Middle School has taught us), then Betsy can drown without paddles. Knowledge, bitch! It matters.
Oh, that’s true! A fake Barb-corpse would have made so much sense. As for not searching her bag, I’m not sure—they may have had to go through a metal detector, but I don’t know that a tape recorder would necessarily set that off. And since access to the lab was so tightly controlled, they might not have used the sort…
Oh, yes. There’s something about white women and Black men (or girls and boys, in this case) that really sets off racist dudes—Black men are seen as a particular threat to their property.
That’s a really important point.
It was hilarious and so much fun. That kid is seriously winsome.
Then Eleven is Anne, and that means I need her to have a Diana. I would really like some honest-to-God female friendship on this show.
I don’t know, but I want to be their friend.
He is a ridiculously charming kid—I want someone to gift him a lifetime’s supply of pudding.
Same. I’m here for ghost stories, creepy shit, etc. I am not here for watching people get stuck with nails and stuff.
OH MY GOD. That’s insane. I say this as a Black woman who grew up in Utah, raised LDS—what the FUCK.
My favorite family story in this regard: my sister and I are mixed (Black/White/MikMak) and in high school, my sister was dating a white boy from church. We were visiting our relatives in West Virginia (the Black side of the family) and she is showing one of my aunts her prom photos. Our cousin leans over, sees the…
Bingo! My father thinks of himself as “freethinking”, a man who “says what’s on his mind”—it’s only once you meet him that you realize what’s on his mind is that the genocide of the Native Americans was NBD because they had “a Stone Age culture”. I refuse to introduce anyone I date to him until the rehearsal dinner,…
Never do this again. You’re interested in migration? Take a fucking human geography class; don’t expect every “exotic” person (which is a bullshit term to use anyway) to bear the brunt of your immature curiosity.
Hi, I see we’ve lived similar lives. “Where are you from?” Baltimore. “And your parents? Where are they from?” Fucking BOSTON, bitch. If you want to know why I’m brown, maybe try treating me like an actual person and not a carnival exhibit.
Exactly! LW, I’m sorry you are in such pain and unwell. Feel free—feel encouraged!—to cut this bitch out of your life. She is not serving your wellbeing. Snip, snip!