
TEAM KNITTING FOR LIFE! What are you working on?

Sharing with others does make a difference! I hope things look up for you soon.

I totally understand! SLC has become super cool; it’s honestly the only way I’d be able to handle living in Utah again.

Twitter breaks are so good! I have rejiggered my Twitter account so it involves more dogs and people who love The Toast as much as I do.

I do love me some Neil DeGrasse Tyson!

Baba ghanoush and facials? Jealous! I’m stuck in a class on policy briefing, which is slow.

Congratulations! That’s amazing. I aspire to having a housekeeper, but I can’t quite justify it with my current tiny apartment.

That’s an excellent point! I went to bed at 9 last night, and I felt so much better.

Oh, that’s good! Then you can enjoy the clean house and do things that are purely fun.

That’s awesome! Got any doggo pics to share?

That’s amazing! I hope you get to enjoy it!

That’s amazing! So glad you had a blast!

Hey, Jezzies! What are y’all up to on the self-care front this week?

Sad I’m stuck in a skills workshop this weekend and can’t go see it—but next weekend, I’m going!

My sympathies—I was the same age as the kids on the show when it was on (maybe a year older?) and I just found them so annoying!

I love that she ultimately settled on Cool Ranch baby, which is second only to Flamin’ Hot baby in its dirtbag-ness.

That is both amazing, and so utterly French.

There’s definitely a part of me that wishes Mike’s mom had known about Eleven, if only because then that kid would have been very well fed. She strikes me as the sort of mom who likes to feed people.

I am so fucking hype for this. Thank God it comes out after my midterms are over, otherwise I would get nothing done.

I’ll allow it for now, but I will need to up my Beronica Friendship Quotient going forward.