I’ve moved away, but my parents are still in Provo!
I’ve moved away, but my parents are still in Provo!
Ah, nevermind!
My favorite was the wedding: Pops officiating, the bagpipes, the Andrews men in kilts (!)
So, is your brother single?
True—plus, Hiram is a pretty common Mormon first name (the first leader of the church had a brother called Hiram Smith who was shot alongside Joseph in Nauvoo).
You do!! It’s so good. And the cinematography and costume design are INCREDIBLE. Highly recommend.
To be fair, that Zack and Cody show was fucking terrible. I remember it came on at a friend’s house once, and thinking “Their mom doesn’t beat them enough”, because those characters were such brats (also, Black southern family means I’d have been walloped for a hell of a lot less).
He has a leather jacket and a motorcycle now. It’s seriously fucking hot.
Seriously! I need more Betty and Veronica Friendship Time in my life. Can the two of them just go to Pop’s and talk shit about their boyfriends or something?
It reminds me a bit of Bates Motel in that way, where so much of the look is clearly throwback, while the tech is still modern. Of course, Riverdale is much more stylized (which I love!)
Except that then Fred would have flatlined.
I binged the first season last week because grad school is stressful, and then it turned out a bunch of my friends watch it too. We’ll need a group text!
With Kinja, the writers for the site have to follow you for a permanent ungraying (which is bullshirt, frankly, but w/e).
Maybe he changed his name? Or had a white dad? With a name like Hiram, my immediate thought is “Mormon dad, married a Latina woman he met on his mission, marriage imploded and mom raised him solo.”
And the surgeon is dressed like an orderly, because...reasons, I guess?
I would be really okay with this show turning into The Craft.
I find that kind of thing so annoying—if you aren’t interested in a thing, fair enough! Maybe demonstrate your lack of interest by not commenting on the thing!
Hurrah! I watched the pilot when the competition was underway, and I have to say it is charming and sharp and incredibly funny. I’m so excited for this to come out!
Okay, this young woman is charming af. And I respect the hell out of someone who can practice all those fucking flips while wearing glasses—I can barely keep mine on running to catch the bus!
That’s awesome! My mother made my costumes as a kid for the same reason, and they were pretty dope (even the year I went as a Christmas present).