
I think it makes such a difference when you get head lice—I got them as a child (third grade, I think?) and I honestly don’t even remember it.

FUCK. No one should have to put up with that shit; it’s inexcusable. (Also, totally with you on DD2; it sparked my crush on Diego Luna when I was 12.)

This reminds me of David Sedaris’s piece about using a Stadium Pal, a piss bag attached to one’s calf filled via an adhesive condom attached to the user’s penis. It was horrifying.

I so agree with you re: running time. When I was in undergrad, the vast majority of my professors believed that if you couldn’t say it in 7-10 pages, you didn’t know what the fuck you meant and needed to go back to the beginning. The same is true of films. If you want to tell a story that seriously requires more than

Bingo! I love science fiction, but there’s so much good shit out there that I’m actually interested in, and I don’t know why I should care about this. Now, if someone decides to adapt some Octavia Butler or N.K. Jemison, or make a movie of Lovecraft Country (not strictly sci-fi, but fandom plays a big role), sign me

Raisinettes or GTFO.

Isn’t all Jared Leto gratuitous? He’s one of those assholes who fundamentally misunderstands and misuses Method and thinks it makes him an artiste.

That is AMAZING! I used to live near a really small movie theater, and I ordered a hot dog and soda. When I asked if I could leave my stuff at the counter to find a restroom first, the woman said she’d just hold off on making it for a few minutes and bring the food to my seat in the theater itself (since I also had

I mean, it would be nice for there to be enough time for me to run to the bathroom midway through without missing the movie!

I’m honestly kind of glad that Kamilah is almost certainly in the garden-variety Bad Place: that person deserves nothing but vomiting up spiders for eternity.

It was a thing of beauty.

Even though Chidi knew about the risks!

Jane should really just stop doing this thing. She is bad at it and she should feel bad for being so fucking indifferent that she hurts the people who are asking her for advice.

Okay, so I would like this asshole to go fuck himself with a rusty iron dildo (without a flared base, so it falls in and he has to pretend to the ER doctor that he sat on something “accidentally”).

There is a special place in hell for that reverend. Ugh.

Exactly. I think it’s an issue of consent. In a monogamous relationship, one of the conditions for consenting to involvement with your partner is that they aren’t fucking anyone else. If their partner is withholding information from them that would change their consenting to stay in that relationship, that’s really

I used to do that so much as a kid! I had this idea in my head that it made me look like the crazy elegant older girls at my dance studio, when realistically I was just a weird kid with frizzy hair walking around on the balls of her feet.

May I recommend following the Henry VIII account on Twitter? It is a thing of beauty and a joy forever, especially as often as it recommends cake as the answer to life’s problems.

I would argue that best friend is a class of friendship, rather than a single position.

Absolutely—it’s like graduation announcements; they exist to remind you what your cousin’s kid looks like while reminding you they are a big fan of Amazon gift cards.