
I feel so thoroughly VINDICATED by that review.

I think this isn’t in the second movie.

Yeah, it’s terrible. And Lena is still pining over Kostos, King of the Fuckbois.

She gave Tibby Huntington’s and then killed her off in a swimming accident in Greece. She had a daughter, y’all!

Seriously. If Anne Brashares can kill off Tibby in the fifth Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books, SATC can kill off Samantha (no, I’m not still bitter about Tibby, why do you ask?)

It should be the next season of Feud, tbh.

Shit, that sounds rough. I hope things even out soon. In the meantime, here’s a puppy:

Because bitches are trash and enjoy making the world worse.

I use Google Maps and haven’t changed that voice, but I like my Australian male Siri who sets my timers and reminds me to pick up pork chops.

You may. You will be wrong, but we can be gracious about that, since season 1 of The Crown was really good.

I’ve changed the voice for Siri so it is an Australian man, and it brings me such joy.

A friend of mine from college is going through that right now with her husband; she had her third miscarriage this summer. I can’t imagine what that must be like.

Don’t get my hopes up! I would love a Living Single reunion. Side note: Regine being on RHOA was a seriously disappointing season.

Didn’t that happen last summer? Some student from overseas got injured at Yellowstone, I think, while trying to take a photo with a bison.

I mean, if God is real, I doubt they’d mind such a request.

Sundays are for coffee, crosswords, and church (our choir sings a lot of Leonard Cohen). Oh, and calling my mom.

Fellow liberal who enjoys a bit of recreational shooting (I don’t own any guns because I live in DC), but when I was a teenager, going to the gun range was the only thing my kinda-shitty father and I could do without arguing—well, that and the library. Now that I don’t really speak to my father, my stepdad and my

“If Rose Nylund were really hairy and a man” is the best description I could have imagined. He must be a lovely person, your BIL.

At gun ranges, you can often buy “bad guy” paper targets, that look like robbers or other seedy characters, to really sell the bullshit John Wayne fantasy (source: going shooting recreationally with my stepdad in Utah).

This makes me feel way better about the time I ordered a dining table and ended up with a surprise bar cart.