
I love how this guy is accused or two violent crimes - those two women are lucky they are still alive - and we’ve got people saying he should be under house arrest. lol No. Stop. He should have been denied bail.

The Judge’s reasoning may be faulty, but what is the reason why this particular suspect should get unique terms of release? I am not saying that releasing the guy on bail is unique, but if the particulars of the charges preclude release, then releasing him anyway, because cameras suggests special treatment. Not that

Get rid of ICE, and then what? Unless the plan is to do away with immigration laws altogether, someone has to enforce those laws. If not ICE, it will be someone else with the same objective. And as long as they’re taking orders from this executive branch, they’re going to behave the same way.

Now go highlight the phrase “deviate from his direct pathway.” Skipping the part that doesn’t support your argument doesn’t make it disappear. Kemp has no “responsibility to avoid contact.” He has a responsibility not to go our of his way to initiate it.

Dr Emilio

It might be a translation issue but they spelled “moron” wrong.

May 2019 - “Beitar Trump Jerusalem announces that they have declared bankruptcy.

That’s some Toni Morrison G shit.

Yes I do, I have failed.

I think the whole shirtless thing he’s doing a statement about having more Black skin on TV - the obligatory musicians’ “fuck you” to the establishment. In Hollywood is it rare that we see; let alone think of Black skin as attractive. In the video ‘This is America’ it was my assumption he was portraying the naked -

Oh and fuck Erika. The stewardess didn’t endanger lives and you weren’t terrified. Yeah, you had a bad experience, and you absolutely deserve to have AA refund you for the flight. But your life wasn’t in any kind of danger.

That’s a poem!

Another case of Asimov’s Cult of Ignorance - “My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

I often try to pinpoint the moment when “everyone is entitled to their opinions” somehow erroneously morphed into “everyone’s opinion is entitled to respect.” Because NO.

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.

Rosen falling to 10th is not some great injustice, but there is a hint of anti-Semitism surrounding the vague criticisms. Rosen has character issues that turned off the Browns (and others), but Baker Mayfield doesn’t?


Ok a couple things though, she had a suspect list 1,000 names long and she was slowly working through them. You can’t actually start naming suspects in a book that haven’t been cleared by police because you’ll get sued and possibly completely derail a police investigation. I don’t think Patton nor anyone else is

Kudos to Troy Brisard and Kirk O’Quinn - the two coaches who came forward and let Klein know about the other coaches’ disgusting comments/plan.