The woman there in the centre, the one in the gray suit? She might be the only person on the planet who can save us all from annihilation, simply with one well-placed pillow, held with firm resolution.
The woman there in the centre, the one in the gray suit? She might be the only person on the planet who can save us all from annihilation, simply with one well-placed pillow, held with firm resolution.
Oh David <3
Their pain pleases me.
Aaaand Torrei Hart has the last goddamn laugh.
It seems Kevin Hart comes up short in the fidelity game.
I’m so happy for Reese and Nicole and the Big Little Lies team. It was an excellent series!
When Ann Dowd won I didn’t think I could get any happier. But I did. This was an excellent Emmy Awards. Capped by Margaret Atwood coming onto that stage.
Seriously a great night. TV is definitely in its Golden Age right now.
I’m a lawyer and I speak Spanish.
This picture just made me deeply sad and nostalgic. I still mourn Gawker.
Thank you. But I’m just here because Sean Young couldn’t be.
You’d think with two impossibly beautiful parents she’d end up being blah, but no, instead she’s impossibly impossibly beautiful.
Slay, Jane Fonda, slay!
Fucking get him Tibby
I could make a whole list. Another one being the multiple ex wives. The evangelicals really showed their ass with this election too.
I mean to be fair, after the handshake he gave her a very warm and affectionate slo-mo ...shove.
And they’re Ed Harris’s sons, which makes me so much more interested. But oh my god do I not want to see this. I used to love this auteur shit in highschool - thought I was so smart for enjoying Gus Van Sant and even Lars Von Trier - but these days David Lynch is the only person I want to make me uncomfortable.
Eh. She’s less obnoxious overall because at least she’s not faking anything. Also because she’s a kid and people were just trying to use her for a laugh.
White people can rap. What people object to is her trying to pretend she is black while rapping. Its not really a difficult distinction. Macklemore, Aesop Rock, there are other white rappers that people dont have a problem with. Hell, Eminem sounds hood as fuck but people dont care because he is actually hood as…
She compares herself to Keith Urban, but Keith Urban doesn’t go around pretending to be a redneck and adopting a fake Southern accent.