
Exactly. This is pure racist spite that will hurt the economy and destroy hundreds of thousands of families for no discernible upside. I think it’s time to admit that Trump is a white nationalist and his party is a white nationalist party. The GOP can’t even hide behind “law and order” on this one- it’s just

By kicking it to Congress to decide, it seems like 45 is pleasing his racist-as-fuck base while also getting away with not actually doing anything.

Most of the people protected under DACA have no connection to the countries they would be forced to return to, and separating families in such a brutal manner even looks bad to the GOP.

That’s cute. Like any of us are going to be alive in 6 month.

Outrage fatigue at 10/10.

You would have to be a really shitty human being to want to get rid of this program. Oh wait...

I can’t take credit for this as I saw it on twitter but:

Quick somebody redub this with this song instead:

Seriously. “Late at night, in my dreams, you should see the things we do” and it still kind of sounds like the “things” are probably like having a mediocre brunch with some college friends or being in bed and watching two different things on two separate ipads.

I feel like I am being kidnapped. I don’t want to go with you to a second location, Taylor.

Did Trent Reznor have a garage sale? Since it sounds like she purchased his Year Zero synths.

I come directly from these people, I was one once, so I can say this, but what is WITH these inbred hillbilly assholes with their pea brains,fetal alcohol syndrome features, zits and pasty flesh? (And of course these WOULD be the eugenics people in many cases.)

It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.