
1 - How great was to see Edwards in charge in the surgery room? I felt his pain a lot more in this episode while he was talking to Cornelia than before. Thanks to The Knick to introduce me to André Holland. He's so fine.

2 - so did Barrow… he was just there, watching Thack shoot himself up while admiting his debts and asking Thack to get somebody killed lol

While he was talking to Thack I almost cared for him.

You're probably right. It's just that he's so ingenious that I thought that he could have come up with something.
Well, at least he didn't suggest a potato……

Great Review! Thanks.
Owen continues to impress as the human wreck. In that scene on Luff's office he looked 15 years older.
I really have no idea what to expect about the finale. And I love it. Tack goes back to work and do something stupid? Edwards asks Tack to perform the abortion on Cornelia? What I hate is the

So did I. That was so messed up. On so many levels.

I was more impressed by Edwards lack of foresight about undesired pregnancy than Gallinger ignorance about mental health.

No, I felt sorry for him. That baby clinging to him was sad…

Loved the jealous look on Thack's face when he saw that Bertie seemed to be impressed with Zinberg's work. That's a true love triangle lol
Actually the whole scene was wonderful. Despite all sweating and swaying during the speech, Zinberg's intrascope got Thack's full attention. Clive Owen was particularly good there.

Barrow going on about small cabinets, long cabinets…
"The list goes on… What about the drugs?" lol