
the unstoppable duo!

Yes, mycotoxins are very difficult to test for. The chemist may initially just do a screen to look for a few of the more common mycotoxins/aflatoxins qualitatively, and if the client wants to pay big bucks, they can then choose to quantify. It's also easier to detect them on the source material (grains, etc.).

That man really, really needs to get laid.

Ooooh! If I ever have a sidekick, I want them to be "the Casio kid"

oh man! I was also completely bald until I was about 2! My parents called me "cue ball".

On one hand, the idea of proposing to someone/being proposed to makes me vom; like, why not just talk about it like two grown-ups, FFS!

*sheepishly raises hand*

Those restoration hardware slippers are making my feet sweat just by looking at them, and that Kimono looks like an old-lady couch. Also, I've never owned a jumpsuit: HOW DO YOU PEE?! Do they have a nice butt-hatch like long underwear? Or do you have to undo the top and pull it all down below your waist? Seems

amen, sister.

Seriously! ...I've often wondered this, too.

"there is no acceptable level of any chemical to ingest, ever"

I don't know guys, the flinging of acid at human beings is very, very bad

I've encountered Micheal Moore on numerous occasions (we're both flaming liberals and political activists from MI, so, natch). Also ran into Mark Zuckerburg while strolling through the Castro one day. I have also been known to fangirl over an amazing scientist or two (or 50) at conferences.

No kidding. Michigander here. Lake-effect snow all my life; this is normal! (Although what happened in Buffalo earlier this year looked horrible, even for me.) Seriously though, send some of the snow our way; our winter has been wimpy so far. I'm off to the bar!!


not dead technically, but 1985 Val is dead.

Naked wedding! No one has to worry about what to wear and it would conveniently dissuade any uptight extended family members from making an appearance! What fun!

Is it weird that I want David Attenborough to read me bedtime stories? Nothing steamy, just maybe a chapter or two a day from a nice historical fiction?

Did anyone else with an IUD get the worst acne of their life right after insertion?! It's probs because I was on the Pill for 16 years, so maybe that did it...but for reals, cystic acne everywhere :( :( :( I am a greasy, oily mess but I STILL feel better than I did on the pill!

I just...I love antiques. I'm not THAT old, but I've reached a point in my life where I'm totally happy spending time driving around the midwest going to antique a boss.