
200 for an hour? Wow livin the dream. If youre gonna be an escort at least be a high end one.

Man! I think it was overly complicated because the stripper was answering such a long and unnecessary email announcement. Dear god. It's a strip club. You go there with money and naked chicks leave with it. How hard is that? I only read half way through before thinking, what a shit show. If a friend sent the

There's like actually less than 10 of you attending lol

Maybe that's part of the design? You don't really want people to think about how much they're spending so you take it out of them $10 or $20 at a time and hope they keep hitting the ATM - kind of like one of those free to play iPhone games. When I worked in a strip club (no in a stripping capacity) I saw a lot of

I'm an escort too. I agree. I'd rather have 2 or 3 awkward meetingsa day with BILLS than have to hustle the floor, competing with everyone.

I will never cease to be stunned that multiple people whose job it is to publish a magazine with skills in art direction and photo editing can produce crap like this time after time. And, we know it's not limited to tabloids, but I just feel if I was this bad at my job, I'd be fired. Quickly.

Base prices vary greatly. The tips are level of enjoyment, what you feel is appropriate. Except the floor tips. Always throw at least dollar or two on the stage. Nobody wants someone who is watching, but not paying. Basically, don't go to a strip club with a cheap attitude.

I cannot think of anything less fun-sounding than attending this woman's party, or going to a strip club in general. It just ain't my bag.

They really squandered the Berger situation. SJP has said it was her least favorite bf storyline, and I agree. I don't know what happened there, if the writers always intended it to play out that way or if they had to pivot b/c, I dunno, Livingston was only interested in something short-term? *shrug* Not the first or

Good on you for making that very difficult and very right choice.

Maybe I'm not understanding your comment, but if a parent can't protect a child from abuse, why does it matter why the parent can't protect the kid from abuse? The point of the child welfare system is to protect kids, not to decide how blameworthy parents are. Children deserve safe homes, even if the parent's

If you're afraid you're doing something that's going to get your kids taken away from you, then you should probably have your kids taken away from you.

My other thought is, if she had access to affordable day care, maybe she would have gotten away from that sick bastard more easily as well.

As a child whose mother failed to protect her from abusive stepfathers/boyfriends, I say fuck her. Children are utterly defenseless and can't leave an abusive situation under their own power. This woman's kids didn't choose her shitty boyfriend.

"Don't get me wrong, I know certain fetishes exist and some woman enjoy them, I think porn pushes these unrealistic pressures on woman who DO NOT want to engage in them by being so main stream."

Has anybody gotten friend requests from obvious catfishes (*is that right?) on Facebook? I've gotten a handful of requests from people who I think are catfish and it is so incredibly bizarre.

Bouchard's mouth fell open and she responded with aslightly befuddled "A twirl?" before cooperating.

Serious question: I have these same hollow yet puffy bags under my eyes. How do I make them go away?

Can I have the same life of traveling but not have to live on a cruise ship? I say no thanks to living permanently with tourists from Idaho.

This is somewhat similar to that time I went on a Disney Cruise with my parents at age 12 and refused to get off the cruise ship because I was reenacting the Babysitters Club Super Special "Baby-Sitters On Board!" and yet also not like that time at all.