The vitriol that the degenerate billionaires and their toadie Goodell have against Kap is deeply personal now. They can’t stand that one of their “lowly employees” would stand up for what’s right against them.
The vitriol that the degenerate billionaires and their toadie Goodell have against Kap is deeply personal now. They can’t stand that one of their “lowly employees” would stand up for what’s right against them.
this is even weirder
I firmly believe the reason they think there must have been massive fraud is that they themselves attempted massive fraud, so there should have been no way for Biden to win. The fact he did could therefore only be the result of even bigger fraud on his side. QED.
Maybe if you can find a candidate who can win you will find happiness. But you will probably complain about them too.
James Woods as himself.
A step away from Trump is progress. Unless that step is in the direction of anyone else named Trump.
I preferred Sean Astin as him in the 1993 movie, Rudy.
Wow. They even left a goodbye message on it. People are very strange.
The cult’s website is still up, I guess as some sort of monument to human stupidity:
The mind-boggling thing is....this a-hole viewed “wearing a mask” as taking the L. This idiot went on a hate-filled rant, and reaped the consequences, because he thinks that being asked to wear a piece of fabric on his face is oppression. Peak white entitlement.
That’s because you’re not absolutely convinced of the social power you feel you possess. That thought would never occur to these two. The whole thing would be tedious if it wasn’t so ugly...he didn’t want to wear a mask, the driver told him he had no choice, and then he did what CHUDs do: wield his racism like a…
Vino veritas.
My pastor has always said that drunk people and old people show their true colors. If they are horrible inside when they are young or sober, the true self always will overcome.
Why does Hemsworth, the largest Chris, not simply eat the others?
Watching the video was hard for me; it was if I didn’t recognize the person.
“He didn’t deserve that. Nobody does. I had too much to drink and lost control of my tongue and I said horrible things that I truly regret.
I try to be a decent person first-and-foremost, but the other rule I live by is, don’t yell and argue with perfect strangers. I don’t know who does and doesn’t have a knife, gun, a black belt in jiu-jitsu, or cousins around the corner. You take your life into your own hands when you don’t take the L and walk away.
The sad thing is, if we had competent government & a significant majority of Americans could exercise basic human empathy, they would’ve been right.