I’m about thirty years removed from her target audience, but I enjoyed this performance very much, and I can’t help but like anybody that young who recognizes this moment for what it is and the urgency in being politically engaged.
I’m about thirty years removed from her target audience, but I enjoyed this performance very much, and I can’t help but like anybody that young who recognizes this moment for what it is and the urgency in being politically engaged.
For the full experience, while watching it have someone dump cold water on you and hit you with a rake.
I can’t say I’m a fan of her music, but I give her points for being a good sport, having a sense of humor and her encyclopedic knowledge of The Office....
Same! I couldn’t help but think this is a really pretty song.
Billy Eilish is #1 on my list of people that I really want to hate, but really enjoy.
The U.S. is famously a death-denying country...
I assume they're mostly the same people. It just makes sense. Both positions basically boil down to "you can't make me think beyond myself."
Because, by and large, college students just aren’t that bright. I saw some being interviewed on TV yesterday and they were all saying ‘Yeah I’m gonna go to parties and not wear a mask, I’m young and a virus can’t hurt me!’
I’m a good distance removed from college at this point, and I realize there’s a business component to the colleges wanting students on campus, but why the hell would students be going back on campus right now?
And let’s not even get started on the absurdly high percentage of people who wouldn’t take a COVID-19 vaccine if offered.
Dial it back, Werner Herzog.
I would pay that to watch a new MCU film
Well an intelligent and compassionate government would put laws in place to make sure people are paid and business can stay closed long term until the virus is mitigated.
Oh I will cry and complain because I am a baby.
In theory you should be safe, but there are so many factors at play that it’s really hard to tell.
There’s quite a bit of evidence, apparently, that not everyone who contracts COVID-19 produces antibodies to it, and may still be able to be reinfected (and thus be re-infectious) later. We’re still unsure.
Every word of what you said is my exact position on this. I’ve got a wall of movies here in my office. And I’ve got the internet. And I’ve got a decent TV. I’ll be okay for a while.
I’ve been going to the movies since the age of six and the theatrical experience has been one of the most basic, joyful things in my life. I had the great fortune of going to college during the height of the film guild era and, for years, went to the movies two to three, sometimes four, nights a week. I love the…