Marie Franklin

I don't see how they could possibly measure LGB pregnancies against any numbers in the past, since no one in the past was allowed to be free about their true orientation. I'm sure many of the teen pregnancies in the 20's - 90's were also LGB youth...they were just never counted as such. No counting like that

Vinyl floor tape is not meant to go on top of vinyl flooring. It is meant to hold down vinyl flooring from the bottom, in place of or in addition to glue.

It looks cool in the pictures but it is going to look like crap within a few weeks if the space is used at all. Walking on it will bring up the sides of the tape just enough to expose a bit of glue, and then it will catch on your socks or feet as you walk on it and it will pick up bits of dirt, hair, lint, etc. Over

The pope talked it over with God and He said "Ok Francis, IF, and this is a big if...but IF you can get the personal forgiveness of every victim of sexual abuse by any Catholic clergy, then MAYBE I will consider letting you all into heaven." Then God chuckled and walked off knowing this will never happen.

Zombie gina.