
Maybe. One possibility is that it’s the prime real estate for offices that gets crushed, not the shitty B-C properties where it’s smaller firms, firms more likely to have customers in office enough to need the space and to be in person because they lack sophisticated infrastructure needed to make truly fully remote

I wonder how long she stays CEO, not only because of this, but because she managed to do it right when Miller is trying to launch a new, at-home gaming chair to make up for office furniture losses. She really screwed them two ways here, just by being a greedy C-suite pig who doesn’t know enough to fake it like the

Also, “HR” along withMarketing” are two of the most bamboozling confusingly well-paid job titles I know.

I was a hiring manager at a ‘values driven company’ where an HR person told me “We don’t want to hire people who are just here for the money.” Lady, I’m just here for the money... and everyone in HR made way more than anyone in my department, but I didn’t see them offering to take pay cuts to “support the mission” or

This was many many jobs ago. But, meh, the next gig was more money/perks/fun with less responsibility. Add in a nice “fuck you” and I’ll take that any day.

I hope you find lasting happiness with your new gig. The boss move would have been to elicit a counter from your former employer to make the most of the leverage you had in the moment. Even if you would have ultimately preferred the satisfaction of leaving them scrambling for a replacement, why not extract the best

“the ppl should be happy to have jobs”

The office focused REITs are...freaking...out.

Desperate people say stupid things, news at 8.

I won’t pretend to know what happens at this particular company, but most corporate jobs do dangle the carrot in front of their employees all year long, which seems to be implied did happen by the “cancelled bonuses” bit here. If your company doesn’t do bonuses anymore then be upfront about it at hiring & don’t say “if

most infuriating was the explosion mimic she did at the end. Fuck off lady, people are asking about their livelyhood, not here to attend your one woman show about yourself

Still think the CEO of the company you work at cares about you? Let this ego trip of a recording remind you that being a CEO who regularly accepts bonuses at the cost of the laborer thinks otherwise. Actions are often louder than words, and people in positions of power have more reasons to  always lie to the public.

Just thinking about walking into a house where all the rooms are red gives me the creeps. When we were house shopping we walked through a home that people still lived in (but who weren’t there) and it had HORRIBLE suffocating vibes. My husband, our realtor, and I all felt it separately, as we learned when we ended the

This isn’t my own story, but my dad’s - and my dad isn’t a liar. He’s experienced a lot of wild things taking odd jobs out on the road throughout his twenties, but this story happened right in my Indiana hometown when my mom was pregnant with my older sister. We lived in the country, and there was a hairpin turn on

I grew up in a very rural area, our house being one of the more remote in our little town. From the main road leading to actual cities, we were a few turns onto more secluded roads, eventually turning off onto a little dirt road weaving back into the forest that surrounded our house on three sides. Our nearest

It’s said every year, but the real stories are always the scariest.

This one is a bit grim, but it’s the very true story of the time I crossed paths with a murderer and his accomplice who were on the run.

When I was 12, I briefly hung out with a group of girls who were more “mature” than I was—which is to say, they liked boys and makeup, and I was more of a play-with-my-American-Girl-dolls type of tween. One summer day we decided to dress up and walk around our town, which was basically an attention-getting exercise.

Not sure if anyone will see this, but here’s something that happened to me about five months ago—two things, actually, separated by about three weeks. The first part is magical and strange, the second part is terrifying. I live in India and these two events took place during our second hard lockdown back in May. We

Over twenty years ago, my then-boyfriend and I booked a 3 week trip to South Africa. His childhood best friend was marrying a South African girl, and we would fly into Johannesburg to attend their wedding and then rent a car to travel around the country.