Thank you. I know they’re thirsty af and that’s why you can always find a quote from them, but can we get a statement from a sane organization? Maybe the ASPCA?
Thank you. I know they’re thirsty af and that’s why you can always find a quote from them, but can we get a statement from a sane organization? Maybe the ASPCA?
They are an evil cult that kills animals for their sick enjoyment and call it ‘moral’ like psychopaths. You might as well have an article on refugees and quote the Society for Rendering…
Lookin’ like Grandma Yetta on a cold day.
So many pussy jokes so little time.
Chances are this crusty fungal scab will get impeached within 6 months. President Pence becomes more appealing every day.
4 years of rope to hang himself with. I can’t imagine his entire family not being charged and imprisoned when all is said and done.
Two years. We will have two years of this shit. I will not commit to the other 2 until the elections of 2018.
“sportsman’s charities”
No they didn’t. Because they’re morons.
Where are all those people who were shrieking about the Clinton Foundation? I have a question for them: Didn’t you know, in your hearts, that this is how it would play out?
Where are all the concerned citizens shouting “pay-to-play!”?
Blame the 10,000 American adults who wrote in “Harambe.”
Lose your outrage over who people did or didn’t vote for. Save it for the 47% of eligible folks who didn’t vote at all.
Blame Stein voters. There were more of them than Bernie protest votes.
Fuck him. Fuck Trump. Fuck the electors. Fuck the Berniebros who protest voted. Fuck anyone who could have easily voted but actively chose not to.
I wasn’t trying to make a joke. It’s all there for people to see what’s happening. The sad part is, unlike Iraq, China can actually fight back if Trump decides to start his equivalent of Desert Storm.
My only hope is the Lindsay Graham and John McCain, both being so outspoken about having an investigation, know something is rotten. I can’t believe I just typed that, but it really is going to take Republicans to stand against this since anything the Democrats is just a “conspiracy theory advanced by the liberal…
I wish Obama would tell him, in front of the whole nation, to close his mouth until Jan 21st.
Lies. That’s a fake story. Rachel is a sad, hateful woman. Did I get that right? BTW, I’m kicking myself for not picking up Russian as a foreign language instead of Spanish.