Maria Donkova

Do you think that 8-10 mln audience would have come to watch a show about a mentally abused woman and 3 seasons long follow her difficulties to figure out her daddy issue? No. This could have been a TV show for 1 to max 3 mln audience if made really very well. So there is something not very honest in the production

IMO that was the sole new thing we learned. And the only intrigue is what Rowan's plan for the lost daughter's corpse after the elections - leave her alone at last OR put her in some kind of hole?

Yeah, we learned about Jake. But why? How this knowledge is new (we saw the process of grooming a Bshit13 servant already 3 times before Jake)? Or how it makes more consistent and/or understandable any storyline?

… because she is "on journey of discovering hersef" right? And this journey of one experienced-professional-fixer leads
1. never seek for any treatment of your PTSD (2years long),
2. expose yourself as longtime mistress of POTUS (after 8 years endless efforts to escape this exposure before the mandate/s end/s),

It was good epi theorethically. In practice it was somewere between B and F. Depends if the viewer knows or don't who this Andrew character is.

You sure "they allways handle elections very well"? You have to be the one person who knows what the last elections in Scandalverse were debating for and what is the actual POTUS policy line. Cry cry Sally + atentates and cold blood murders including one of a teen - that's what they tryed to sell us under the title

Am I lost, or someone else share my impression that we watched a palimpsest episode? Meaning the epi was done ready in one way and remastered later to add here and there some scenes and shorten the existing ones. The whole Hollis line for exemple, felt done with clarity and the cast delivered beautifully - all 6 of

If we follow your logic till the end, we would say:
if one show is called "Scandal" it is perfectly O.K. entertainment wise to have 100% of the charcaters in this "character driven" show being murderous sociopaths, egomainacs with daddy/momy issues, sexual addictions and taste for large range of perversities, and no

He should if he was human and parent in plus of being "political monster" `his words not mine. This show took enormous amount of screen time to display parent-monsters of all kind and impose the idea that for all and every people in DC the only happy imaginable have to be whatever connetced to power. I mean they

That was my line of thinkig also - fix the ratings by the trick dating from the 60s of the last century. But it felt kind of offensive to realise that is the creator/runner opinion on the public of her show and/or TVpublic at 9 p.m. in general. And think about she was calling herself "a titan" 3 weeks ago… Hollywood

Oops "Four episodes left to go."!? This would be 4 less then planned. Seems logical, though. My only curiosity will be to compare the scripts of 516 (directed by S.Folley) and 517 (directed by T. Goldwyn). I mean, the lenghts this prod. and especially the writers' room has gone to deliver any type of material for SF

Oh, I think Cy looked at Michael like that because of the immense proportion of smallness of his preoccupation (Ella's hair) compared to Cy's - he just manipulated a person having 1001 reasons to not run for president - to run. You are expecting way too much from the writers. This entire epi was composed of situations

Not bad per se. Shows that ABC hopes it is salvageable. Wish them sincerely to find a way to do it. We used to love this show. Nobody is happy to see it end like a messy portray of the 2-3 personal frustrations of the runner that necessitate to rewrite the leads in guests and vis versa till we forgot at all what

I get what you are saying. This SR pattern made many fans stay during S3-5A despite the show became a whole lot nonsensical as it went far away from the idea to tell DC politics world troughout the specific angle to see it that gives "the best DC fixer" job. I think the pattern will not work for Scandal mainly because

Thanks for the clarification. It is usefull.

All truth that. Didn't J.Smith came back for a little during S4? I think I saw her name as producer on 1 or 2 episodes. Or my memory is tricking me. Also possible.

I think she is convinced that she has gained full rights and power to do what pleases her for the last 1.5 seasons (Scandal is contracted for 6 seasons). The problem is what pleases her do not please the existing fandom, and is apparently not attracting new viewers to replace the ones leaving disgusted. So one of 2

Co-sign. I could not stop thinking about 2 recent statеments of Mrs Rhimes 1. OP is like me (form her book) and 2. I'm a titan, nobody does what I do (from her last week TED talk). And if you look at 509-512 epi with those two in mind you can get the gratuitness of it all. It still unacceptable for quality