
That post from Jamie-Lynn Spears is gross and weird. It reminds me of the shit that was done by some seriously toxic mothers of people I’ve known. Like, want to post a teary video? I still think it’s kinda weird, but whatever. Including your very small child comforting you? Gross. Leave your kid out of it.

There’s a troll in the Washington Post comments who will ask sexist commenters, “You sound cranky. Have you eaten today? Maybe you need a Hot Pocket or pizza rolls.”

Joan, sometime around this new year you mentioned in a longer (and maybe not even related) post that you were starting a sobriety journey. I’d been having a bad time and coping with alcohol, and it hadn’t occurred to me until I read your post that I could…just try to stop with the alcohol. I stopped and got help and

Sounds like Jamie Spears is behaving irrationally. I’m concerned about his recent behavior and overall mental health, based on his behavior here. Maybe someone should step in and take the reins.

Shelter Catstravaganza!

I'm sorry to hear about your blood sugar. 

Shelter Cat Update!

I had a back ache when I got up and I thought I slept in too long. After three bathroom visits in 4 hours I finally figured out I was getting my period.

I once told a man harassing me on the street that I didn’t care what he thought, and he was literally the last person I gave a shit about. I have never seen a man more tongue tied or apoplectic. To be fair, there was a brief moment where I thought he was going to hit me due to lack of verbal capabilities, but it was

I’m 59 and can confirm that getting older doesn’t mean the bullshit stops. It takes a different tone, one that starts out convinced that it’s target needs to hear that she’s still pretty hot for an old lady, and ends with threats of violence and ageist insults when the target doesn’t simper and coo in response. This

I have, from time to time, thrown concern for my safety to the winds and told these smug fuckers exactly that - nobody cares what you think, nobody cares which way your dick points. And they have NO ability to cope with this. They stutter and flail. They turn bright red (yes, they’re white dudes 99% of the time). It

Her eyes just say it all in that pic. Total annoyance and rapanoia.

I am not a public figure but even I regret the way I judged Stodden back in the day. They were basically sex trafficked for reality tv. It didn't even occur to me to look at them through a feminist lense. I saw the big boobs and the squeaky voice and just bought into the idea that they deserved ridicule. I feel shitty

This DB is kinda depressing so let’s focus on MTS and talk about how this flower swimsuit is both absurd and also I love it.  (And of course it goes without saying that Megan looks great.)

Kitchenette goes, Pissing Contest goes, but Dirt Bag is apparently not going anywhere.

This feels more like TMZ than I’d like to see here, if I’m being honest.

Thank you for this. I’m in consistently unimpressed with just how tasteless and awful Dirt bag posts can be, especially on such matters. This shit is especially awful.

As anyone with a sister can attest, this is pretty tame.

I understand that this is dirtbag, so the flippant tone is expected, but it seems oddly callous and weird to me that you’re treating a situation involving alleged guardianship abuse as a sibling rivalry. If Britney Spears’ testimony is anything to go by, she holds her entire family responsible for the abuse she has

For the love of God, the Olympic Village beds were created to be sustainable. They were never intended to be anti-sex. There’s ONE rando on Twitter who made that stupid claim, and trash outlets like the New York Post and TMZ ran with it.