The Washington Post did a story on his salary. He makes more a day than the average person in Louisiana does in a year.
The Washington Post did a story on his salary. He makes more a day than the average person in Louisiana does in a year.
PLEASE stop using the word “architecting”. We are not supporting Ivanka’s nonsense words here on an article about women’s empowerment.
There’s something wrong with the whole system when an activity needs to be validated as a “sport” to receive the respect it deserves.
This is one of these stories where it’s a blessing the grays exist. Butthurt men howling silently into the void will never not be a thing of beauty.
I don't know why Jez messed up SNL, why it didn't act quickly to fix it, and lost a ton of posters as a result.
About to get on a plane to go see my 85 year old mother in America for the first time in almost 3 years. Wish me luck everyone.
Why is SNS being posted at 9 am PST now? God I hate Jezebel these days and yes, I know no one cares.
Seems like her employer could definitely solve it with a better leave policy.
Listen to me, Chrissy Teigen, if you don’t want people to talk about whatever it is that you’re doing, then YOU have to stop talking about it in public, thank you!
My dog started barking from the other room while I was reading this and I almost pissed myself. SCARY!
“Ghosts in the Walls”
She’s had an epiphany. Good for her. Now she can fuck off.
Sorry to hear about Pepper. I hope Dennis gets better soon.
A black comedy or thriller would be the only way to salvage a product where it looks like Dennis Reynolds is hunting for 17-year-old girls using the DENNIS System.
Instead of seeing an actor being able to have the physical space a (play) theater provides to buy the illusion of playing a teenager, you get to see said actor do the same thing years later in a bad wig and prosthetics, playing every anxiety-ridden tic huge to a back row that doesn’t exist on a gigantic up-close big…
From what I’ve read, the plot has not changed much, it’s more an issue of what works in live theater plays a lot differently in the medium of film. Basically, Evan’s deceptions look a lot less light hearted on film then they did on stage.
I really don’t get it. This film looks just as fucking horrible as the Broadway show did when it was a critical darling a few years back and they would play that stupid commercial NON STOP. How can this possibly be worse?