
Working in NYC you run into a ridiculous amount of celebs and politicians. I can’t tell many of the stories without doxxing myself but my favorite encounter thus far has been Tracy Morgan (ala Tracy Jordan) being chauffeured around in a Rolls Royce, singing his face off to Jay-Z at full volume. Also Goldie Hawn is so

Bravo! So happy you’re featuring Cora and her book. I’ve been following on instagram for awhile and am so happy she is sharing this knowledge with the world. While it seems daunting, taking an evening to properly wash your lingerie/silk/hosiery really extend their life and shape. 

Oh goodness, no. There are strict rules here about bags etc. that have been on the subway floor and I constantly have to remind my (pretend) hypochondriac husband to stop putting them on our table/bed.

Her top lip is doing...something.

Yes! We had Sony-Ericssons from 2003 to about 2009. The first one had an detachable camera and the other had a skype option before the iphone did (just didn’t work in the U.S.).

*Clapping and squeals*

*gasp* BWAHahahahahahahahaha!

I graduated 15 years ago and active shooter lockdowns were in place by then. We sat under our desks, turned off lights, locked the door, etc. and waited until the all clear. I still have a list of places to hide and will relay them to my child should they go to the same school.

I worked at an upscale lingerie shop which would have been fine if it wasn’t located inside of a godawful department store. There’s a miserable cow somewhere in NY who has a habit of buying (and stealing) expensive clothing to wear and post on Insta then return. The department stores truly cater to these people.

The accuracy. I’m screaming!

Was just about to add Joliet Jake West to the pile. JJ West is cute, no? That said, many of us got out as soon as we could.

I’ve taken a Physique 57 class but coming from a strict ballet background felt like an asshole pulling and leaning on the barre. Got my butt kicked but literally spent the whole class looking over my shoulder in case my (now elderly) ballet teacher came in to yell at everyone.

I thought it also had to do something with the Bin Laden raid happening that week and sending Michelle alone not being an option.

This! My mom had Brooke’s eyebrows and pulled them out in her teens and twenties. I have my dad’s eyebrows which she was thankful for since they are super low maintenance. Sometime in jr high I started hanging out with a girl who was already plucking hers (and doing a bunch of things a 13 year old shouldn’t) when she

Whoever they paid to add Kendall in did a horrible job. There’s one earlier where she clearly was slapped behind another sister with a shadow added. They really could have just brought a cardboard cutout and called it a day.

Rompope Santa Clara all the way. I used to love the eggnog shakes from McDonald’s but quickly changed my tune upon discovering eggnog ice cream with rompope mixed together. Or poured on top of jello. Oh man I miss my abuelita at this time of year...

Oh my heart.

Perhaps it’s the “big sister” in me but I hope this is just a rumor to weed out a leak in her team. Nothing about this sounds like a good idea. If she is pregnant, at least she has the resources to care for the baby.

OR you turn 30 and suddenly develop an allergy to chocolate and peanut butter. One little piece of chocolate and I get a gnarly 3-in-1 zit that takes a week to die. Chocolate from Europe is ok to eat (I don’t want to know about whatever creepy stuff the U.S. adds in), but the thing I miss most is peanut M&Ms.

Friday? The book and Lemonade record have been available for pre-order since May 2nd. How do I know? Because I have a record player and am waiting for my yellow Lemonade record to show up any day now. But seriously, the promo for this was on her instagram that day. Considering I was the last person in NYC to listen to