Marios Athanasiou

Dead eyed people will always look creepier than cartoon blobs to me, personally.

Are you kidding me... Android emoji are so much nicer then the iPhone crap... This is a travesty. The little yellow smile dudes are adorable and I'll be sad to see them gone.

Sure it’s going to cost more in the long run, look at Flint’s cost savings of a little water additive vs. the crisis cost.

I'm not saying it's smart, just businesses and the gov tend to look short term.

I bet the cost recovery model for the airport is quicker.

Remember folks, the robot car doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be better than you. Which it almost certainly will be.


Staten Island is the type of place that, people who moved to New York, moved to New York in order to get away from. It is a suburban republican bastion in the most densely populated and liberal part of America. And unlike Riverdale it denudes suburbia of its few potentially redeeming qualities such as a tasteful

Love the casual mysogeny in your comment.


So you’re living in a $2500/mo coffin?

I live in a box now. It’s called a New York City studio.

Being a sensible adult

What’s it called if you don’t binge watch a whole series, but you binge watch like 4 episodes at a time every few days?

I have one of these already. It’s called a pocket. When my phone is in there and it buzzes I feel it against my leg and know I have a notification.

I have one of these already. It’s called a pocket. When my phone is in there and it buzzes I feel it against my leg

Most of the accidents could have been prevented had stuff been maintained. These facilities constantly eat themselves up, equipment has to be replaced constantly. Imagine if the US allowed a new reactor with modern technology. I got to tour one last year as an electrical engineer, and let me tell you that their

Damnit, I was going to say the exact same thing. Nevermind that coal power kills more people due to pollution and coal mining than nuclear power ever has (including any and all accidents).

It’s hilarious how you think Rand is “subversive” or actually represents free-thought or individualism.
And that anyone here is “scared.”

Everything Rand ever wrote is basically a three-hour speech.

Apparently, everybody shrugged. To say they were terrible would be throwing shade at other terrible things.

I have a feeling this is just sponsored content.... Really getting sick of this shit on gizmodo