Don't forget Jane Austen who commented on the male-dominance of literature!
Don't forget Jane Austen who commented on the male-dominance of literature!
I'd say that when someone is accusing an artist of self-indulgence they are really saying that the artist is indulging in empty artistic flourishes.
Looking at the Wikipedia schedule, it looks like the finale is two airing on the same day. So either four more left with the finale being extra-long. Or five more with two episodes airing in one day at the end.
It's possible that small-time hacking is their bread and butter. Blackmailing non-powerful people for a few thousand a try.
Plenty of people who like fine art don't like Lynch. His is a unique style. That, by its very nature, will not appeal to everyone.
I think there are 5 episodes left. Unless the last 3 are longer than normal?
Nope, and I don't know why you would think I did given that the original poster's comment that started this discussion of ideas didn't have anything to do with death threats. Unless the poster is being extremely coy.
Which, again, isn't really the act of someone who wants to discuss "ideas."
Yes. I can only assume that life, to such people, is a string of sensations (flickering lights, cacophonous sounds) that briefly distract and leave no lasting impression to speak of. The suggestion that there's more sends them into a frothing rage.
It also explains the exhaustive meal descriptions.
I don't think you would analyze real people like this. You wouldn't have this degree of insight into a real person's life for one.
Martin Luther's goal was to condemn the church's corruption. It was definitely not to "have a discussion about ideas".
How should Soloway have answered the question in a manner that was not "self-promotion"?
I think it's always had heart. At least since Morty comforted Summer by showing her his grave. Human caring and connection in the face of infinite bleakness.
Then what he's asking for (an end to programs encouraging female participation and acceptance of the status quo) is outrageously out of proportion to his evidence. There's a big gap between saying, "We're not going to achieve parity," and saying "17% participation is a-okay. Biology dictates that's what we're going to…
Actually, I'd say brain differences are more controversial because, unlike physical functioning like weight-lifting, we absolutely don't understand very much about how the brain works. Even if we could prove that there is or isn't a "feminine brain" (which there likely is), it's an enormous leap to go from there to,…
1. 25 boys is not a statistically significant group.
2. If the parents knew about the castration, then, no, they didn't necessarily raise them without culturally responding to them as boys.
At least we know that You Tube comments are the worst. I'm going to assume that they aren't representative of the fanbase.
Throw red onion into that cucumber salad and you have one of my favorite salads too.
I agree and disagree - I think Rick's nihilist philosophy only works on the show when you have characters poking holes in it. Both elements are necessary to each other.