
Fair enough.

Actually, this isn’t true.

Also, this isn’t just a cost issue. The subway is the quickest way to commute around NYC and some people don’t have time to wait in cabs that may take the wrong route/be stuck in traffic.

  • Which protein can you make better than anybody else on this earth? Are you willing to share your technique?

So this is 0/3 for UC Berkeley speakers after Maher and Milo were both stopped.

I would add a touch of fresh lemon juice, but that’s just me :)

PS. What does this have to do with small town vs. big city? Brock Turner’s judge was located in Stanford. Stay on point, stop making this about geographical location - it’s so petty and small-minded.

Yeah, we’re all going around banging our siblings here. That and letting attempted rapists run free... it’s ANARCHY!

Ugh. Yes, technically it’s called a kangaroo, but how many people really call it that?

Guys, come to CANADA. Your dollar is killing it, there are so many gorgeous destinations to choose from.

It also makes the best ever dressing.

I’m like that with Bob Dylan. WHAT IS ALL THE FUSS ABOUT.

Am I wrong by thinking, with a case like this, maybe it is better that he isn’t burdened anymore.

Why is he a troll, because he doesn’t agree with your opinion? What is he saying that is so object or wrong?

So many things untrue with your statement.

I disagree. I think a country needs (at least) two functionally working parties. I am a liberal, but I could see myself voting for a PC candidate (I’m Canadian) if the right man or woman came along. Both parties, ideally, are meant to even the other out. So saying that you don’t care what happens to the Republican

Sweet fancy Moses, all of you just vote. PLEASE! Vote for Hillary.

Yes, the DNC are in trouble. Definitely not the Republicans.

Me too!

Canadian observation here.