Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

I am so very sorry for your loss.

My heart goes out to you. I am so incredibly sad for your loss.

I'm so incredibly sorry to hear about your fiancé, and I'm sorry about this violence. It is just so unfair.

I’m so sorry for your loss.

*looks at the textures*

Now playing

The Japanese YouTube channel has put up official videos for them, complimented with fantastic music.

Yeah, you could have told the videographer to shoot it in landscape mode.

I didn’t see a video, something about, “Requires RealPlayer Plug-in to play.”

Did you seriously just use “pot” as a verb grandma?

*clicks through to your profile*

You seem like someone who could benefit from a modest amount of drink and pot. Not enough to break the healthcare system, mind you. Just enough to let loose a bit.

Damn straight. Thanks for the welfare, too!

Haha, I feel like this was said through his teeth “Jezebel... has been doing some................ great............ politics... coverage., Etc?”

“All the sites have done great reporting.”

We’ll agree to disagree.

Well, not all of us. You know who you are, Chad!

Even the new IGN-Kotaku?

I knew I just had to wait for some sort of catastrophe for you to announce your love for me. Ily2 jason

My motivation was to report more information on a subject that many people care about.

Right? After he’s tackled the guy is sitting compliant on his ass before cops smash his bare head into the pavement unnecessarily.

who isn’t a fan of soy sauce?