Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

Or maybe just put the actual picture as the lead image (and take “This” out of the damn title)

I get suckered in by these ridiculous click bait header images every time. #damnyou


That’s pretty awesome! I was just noticing yesterday that all friendly ghouls look like aliens now with the big greys

Yeah. How much more of a “first-world” problem is that?

Low point: turned down at the bar of the Ritz for a meeting because I’m wearing “sport shoes”

Dress codes are a culturally accepted way to keep out the poors

Now playing

So what’s his opinion about the Jet problem in our community?

Mr. Robot vs Watch Dogs 2: The Comparison We Had To Make.

Sure, why not.

Yeah, their “record-breaking” car lap time would be more impressive if there were actually other cars to compare it to.

No, or more so aren’t aloud to try.

I would love to see more tabletop board game coverage around here.

*Puts robber on your brick yard*

Now playing

Good to see that nothing’s changed in 30 years...

It don’t matter what’s between their legs, as long as there’s love.

The world needs more Ranma 1/2 Cosplay. Props to the panda suit!