Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

Least impactful? Shawn Bradley in Space Jam was an Oscar-worthy performance.

He spinned his defenders

Foolish move to play him considering his most famouse quote ever was,

My dad owned an Ali-themed corner bar in Louisville KY in the early 90's. Ali would come in periodically before the illness set in. I, as a youngin, played foosball in the game room every night. One night, around 1992, Ali came in and challenged me to a best of 5. He beat me in 4 and said “Son, you got some nuts going

The man wasn’t perfect but that’s entirely the point. He lived his life on his terms at a time when a black man was not supposed to be able to. He was brash, cocky, and unapologetic about it. He paid a huge price for this, yet never backed down. Great fighter, even better civil rights icon. The world lost a great man

“U gonna eat dem fries?”

Yeah, those stupid fish should be stuffing their kids with McDonald’s and putting them in front of video screens 24/7 like we do!

To the tune of Heart’s ‘These Dreams’:

Stupid people.

You can police every aspect of your speech, you can wear the right things, you can get all the degrees and expertise, you can write the most fucking eloquent and heartbreaking courtroom statement and still there are men who will not hear you because they just don’t listen to women.

This is a real stupid take for so many reasons.

Solgaleo, a solar deity —> psychic/steel. Weakness: FIRE

I guess that’s a Catch 22. If you’re smart enough to know your world view is royally backwards you probably wouldn’t have that view in the first place.

Incalculable valid reasons to criticize the ever-living f*ck out of this dev, the fact that they’re likely from a non-English country isn’t one of them.

AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm) is definitely an important one and came up on the women’s post as well. I considered anything that has to do with smoking (AAA ultrasound, chest CT, etc) as a behavior related screening. Because there are so many of those (the entire list of possible screening tests can be found here),

Dammit, the answer was exercise. I was trying to avoid that.