Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

Wow another article about a game that literally just came out today! Who knew!!?

Many articles about a popular game on a video-game focused blog? Fuckin weird right? Whats next, the new star wars getting tons of articles on movie sites? The fuck is goin on around here?

Hey guys! Look! Another Overwatch article! How bout that?!

Bench press me my love!

Alternate title: “I Clicked An Article I About A Game I Don’t Care For On This Free Website And Now I’m Upset!”

Why is this weird? or pervy?

Sorry prude. :)

My nephew tried this, but apparently a hero who controls butts is not within the scope of their “artistic design”.

Yes! We used to build caves, safe from the A.I or build holes in the ground to trap them. Then we would introduce the lotion.

Always useful when a predator reveals his criteria for potential victims (women with “lifestyles,” meaning they’re black or poor). He’s too much of an ignorant, spoiled little shit to see how obvious his guilt is to everyone else.

That time was a fantasy. Gambling and match fixing are as old as sports.

DM Trump: “You enter the yuge room. Roll for save.”

You know what happens when you leave halflings unchecked? Athas. #Rajaatforthehollow

Hopefully he builds a wall to keep all those halflings out of Faerûn.

I believe it’s pronounced ‘chahge cahd’.

Since some have brought up confusion at why the artist chose a woman with breasts to bodypaint a male character, it’s worth clarifying this woman -is- the artist.

hammers, nails, etc.

They do all of these active shooter drills but never do any Civilian Minority Encounter Drills.

Ground-level hyperloop from San Diego to Brownsville!