Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

Tattoo a rising sun on your face. You’ll be welcomed for sure.

I’ve seen references similar to this floating around the internet. Is violence supposed to more or less a part of human nature than sex?

I live in a capital city in the Canadian prairies (I know. I’m working on it.). There are plenty of night clubs and restaurants here that will eject anybody with visible tattoos. You can have them, but if someone should happen to see them (gasp!) then you’re out. I just don’t get it.

Starred because you were succinct without the need for Stephen’s Paper Mario reference. I love Paper Mario, and I like Stephen’s writing (usually), but still...

What are you an anti-semite? Don’t suppress his right to oppress whoever he feels is inconvenient at the time. He is not the aggressor he’s the victim (read: hero)!

I’ve never understood the irritation with incorrect untensil use. How does it effect anyone other than the person using them? Just keep your eyes on your own damn bowl, but first pull the chop-sticks out of your ass.

Canada is a frozen slab, Australia is a poisonous desert, and New Zealand and the UK are fed up with immigration (depending on who you ask). Without adjusting to another climate, or learning another language, Americans are going to have a tough time escaping adjusting after the election.

Don’t worry guys. He just fainted.

You are wrong because I felt victimized by this object, and victims are correct 100% of the time in North America.

Raihnbowkidz’s story is most interesting to me because it pulls back the curtain on the work and sacrifice that goes into making yourself look good.

In my experience, telling someone that her routine is the product of nasty ass patriarchal bullshit will get you hurt. Like badly. Even if it is.

I don’t get it. We should be proud to be slightly more aware than a child?

He hired great people to compose those tracks. Fantastic, beautiful people, even. The competition begged him, begged him, not to upload those compositions. He did though, because this is America.

I’ve already played as crippling self-doubt. Next time I’m going to try tepid optimism.

“You probably shouldn’t pay much more than [30 percent of your income]... If you do pay much more you’re probably housing cost burdened.”

The last farming sim I played was Harvest Moon DS. Maybe it’s time I revisited the genre. Aside from Stardew Valley nothing has really piqued my curiosity. I like the idea of being able to pick up this type of game on a handheld. Is it as satisfying to play on a PC?

Why the fuck is this not regarded as normal yet? I’m not interested in the sexual preferences of anyone but the person I’m sleeping with.

Bulbasaur is a Pokémon with a cabbage on its back. It also turns into the ugliest starter evolution, Venusaur.

Assuming these become games, I wonder if we can expect legendary or mega iterations of Solrock and Lunatone.