Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

If one of your severely underpaid coworkers heard this while downing one of your pity-lunches, I wouldn’t blame them for throwing that lunch directly at your face.

“What, is your carpet made of silk hand-woven by Chinese orphans?”

What exactly is your profession? I only ask so that I can tell you to shut up about all unrelated matters.

Okay. What’s your point?

You don’t know that the factory worker that made this wasn’t destined to be eaten by reptile.

The synergies between gnomes and engineering, and engineering and ranged weapons have always been there. Allowing for gnomes hunters just seems like connecting the dots! :D

Facts? More like semantics.

I know a guy who uses most of these on the people in his life, especially his GF. Also, he threatens to kill himself whenever she tries to leave. This makes him a respectable business man. Yup.

Do it or don’t, alright?

Yes! Brandon Graham. No idea how that crept into my Stokoe list. The two are among my current favourites, and I guess they intersect aesthetically/thematically in a lot of ways. Anyway, I’m trying to justify a mistake. So, la la la…

Oh man, James Stokoe kinda blows me away. If I had any patience at all I’d just wait for all of the collected volumes of Orc Stain to come out, so I could binge ‘em like the hermit I am. I just check up on singles via internet blurbs, though. To answer your question, I’m really not sure.

The blood between her teeth, the hair pressed to her face by rain, and the blood on the hands of the preacher. Ugh. The first page is a visual gut-punch. Horrific indeed.