Margin Of Error

That sh&tbird is neither the governor of Florida, the Mayor of Miami, nor the sitting POTUS. He had no business there. But that’s MBS (FIA) for ya, I gather he likes dictators as well.

Pretty much that. I’m numb to politicians appearing at F1 races — hell, I routinely get to boo Greg Abbott when he shows up to COTA — but an ex-president who’s clearly using F1 as a reelection PR event can pound sand. He’s wearing his campaign slogan on a hat, clearly there to be seen, and not there in an official

Nah, I’d tell my boss straight up. No, I’m now looking for a new job. Fuck him, and fuck you now, too.

They are making excuses as to why they bowed down.

Biden is not a very real threat to the demise of our democracy. So yeah, fuck McLaren and F1 for giving the traitor any attention whatsoever.

It means “stop using profitable environment destroying chemicals to save the bees”, therefore meaning “I hate job creators and capitalism”, so wanting to save the bees makes you a communist or something. Never mind that if bees were killed off we’d all starve to death, the more important thing is the chemical company s

Biden didn’t try to overthrow a US government

The only issue I have - well, aside from McLaren willingly hosting the papaya-colored fella - is that he’s wearing a hat with his political slogan on it. Lando and Trump in a photo is just two guys in a photo op. Lando and Trump complete with MAGA hat can easily be spun as LN/McLaren/F1 endorsing him politically,

Not giving Lando any leeway at all. He’s a spoiled brat jackass who knows who Trump is and his politics. There is literally no way he doesn’t know, given how pervasive news media is.  

F1 and Liberty Media (and now, McLaren and Zak Brown) can eat sh*t. They forbid drivers speaking out on civil rights injustices and environmental concerns but are perfectly fine with a campaigning politician who (check notes)

McLaren is a non-political organization however we recognize and respect the office of President of the United States so when the request was made...” Not to be pedantic, but the office of the President did not make the request and, Trump is not the President of the United States. He was. And he may be again. But he

But surely he should be allowed to exist at an F1 race?

American Hitler was born with a silver spoon in his mouth (as he apparently took $400M of the old man’s money to create his assets) and would never have served his country. Other than those two aspects of the pathological liar, the parallels between him and Hitler 1.0 make me feel like I’m in 1938 Germany as the

I can’t imagine if my boss invited him to my place of work to schmooze it up. I would have to call out sick that day because there is no way I could show this prick any more respect than he does to most of humanity. 

He’s not “just a person”, he’s the guy that wants to end democracy in America and everyone knows it. That some people are ok with that doesn’t matter, he’s a fucking piece of shit, period.

The issue here is not even political. They welcomed an individual that is under indictment for a litany of crimes, has been found liable for rape and promulgated an insurrection, attempted a coup, attempts to undermine our basic democratic institutions, cronyism, tax evasion, fraud. He defames people, lies repeatedly,

Maybe just don’t lead all of your interactions with gender, and view people as people? You could have just said, “Yes, thank you.” Strike sir and ma’am from your vocabulary and you’ll find you have far fewer uncomfortable interactions. Languages are living things and once they stop changing, they die. It’s our

The only person I see crying is you? While others are saying it's not actually that hard to not be a sexist asshole while you're saying actually it is?

Ordering lunch the other day I responded “yes ma’am” to something and the person on the other side of the counter scowled at me and sharply informed me they identify as non binary and did not want to be called ma’am. Shouldn’t we preface everything we say as : Sorry, not wanting to offend you ???

It’s really not hard to do if you’re not massively stupid.