Margin Of Error

Reason 7342820 I’ll never buy a Tesla to finance Elmo.

Clarence Thomas, I’m sure, can find a way to allow it. For a small consideration, I’m sure.

I don’t have photoshop or the time to fire up Paint; please use your imagination.

When did law become a concern in that particular personal sphere?

A two person rage-Tweeting Voltron made of colossal idiots. Guys, I’m starting to think we aren’t going to make it.

I fucking love Lewis. He really won me over.

I’m just here to say how much I like and admire Lewis Hamilton, GOAT.

Keep in mind the “2035 deadline” is NOT a federal one. It’s a state-based one.

And that 2035 date was set inline with what many manufacturers had already announced for their plans.

Unfortunately your echo chamber has left you misinformed. It happens to all of us. It is good that you are here and available to hear that you may have been subject to inaccurate propaganda. Ignore the insults, but follow up on the corrections. Your preferred media lies to you, accept this, move on and become a

Who the hell are you or Don Poorleone to decide what’s better and what the minimum standard for betterness should be for a car to be produced for the market?

Literally just trying to force it on the people

There is no such deadline. 

Hey look, everyone - a genuine idiot!  Let’s watch and see what it does.

Holy shit. Been a Looooonng time since one of the Trumpers made it to this site. 

Oops! You thought you were making your comment over at FOX “News” but you had the wrong tab open, right?

Because they are an unreliable beautiful POS

Not just Chrysler.  My dad had to go through this drill with every Oldsmobile he bought.  It was like the dealer had to complete the assembly of them.  

For you whippersnappers, I’ll propose our 1968 Plymouth 4 door, a Fury as I vaguely remember it. In the old days you picked up your new car (late 50s through the 70s) and made a list of everything wrong/not working and brought the car back to the dealer to fix (forget the dealer prep crap). The Plymouth had two pages,