
Thank you. Zootopia had a complex plot that involved both ‘misogyny’ and ‘racial profiling’ (only in quotes because they’re animals, but it’s pretty clear that the bunny is a woman and the fox is a person of colour, no?). I loved that it tackled the difficult subject of someone being a minority, or at the very

I was there today too and can concur. It was so beautiful it made my heart hurt. One (of many) highlight(s) for me was listening to a dad explain to his son why we were marching: “it’s so that women know that they’re not alone, that their voices are heard, and that they have support from lots of different kinds of

I strongly dislike this ad. It implies that because the viewer didn’t notice the warning signs that somehow they are being irresponsible, and should therefore feel guilty; CLEARLY, though, it was designed to play upon our easily manipulable human emotions. Of course it was able to convince the majority of people

I really hate to break it to you, but seniors don’t have it much better in Canada. Like those that live in the States, Canadian seniors that reside just above the poverty line often fall through the cracks, while those that live below often don’t have access to the services that they need. Don’t get me wrong, Canada