
Do I go out drinking with moms? No.

Tip: smile with gentle affection BEFORE YOU UTTER A WORD (even if you are gritting your teeth). Then say what you have to say in a low, matter-of-fact voice. This really works. Not just with moms.

This. My cousins were miracle-workers at my wedding. (Because there is almost no way to spin "God, we should have bound your feet before it was too late" into well-intentioned advice.)

This is better than my INSIDER BEYONCE INFO from someone who has worked with her who I knew when I was writing for TV, which is: Beyonce is a huge pothead.

I'm going to give Beyonce the benefit of the doubt and say she froze when her sister got so violent so quick. That's pretty shocking up close.

Well, Americans need to realize the validity of that quote now more than ever.

The Spice Girls supported the Tory party and were thus banned in my house.

I'm with your granddad on this.

Most rewarding asterisk ever.

that's a good point about being conditioned not to speak like that in your professional life and then maybe having trouble separating that from your personal life. I also think saying something like "I understand where you're coming from" before launching into full scale "here's why you're wrong" is a nicer way to

Hahahaha. Those Spice Girls had a wide reach. My 6 yr old brother made a secret home video of him singing one of their songs. It was hilarious. And funnily enough, he's not the gay one in the family. Anyway... :)

you either see Beyonce as shaking her ass because it's her ass to shake (and it's fine) or you see it as she's shaking her ass to please the patriarchy. Not much in between ground - but miles of opinion on either side.

I appreciate your grandfather's opinion. I remember talking about Rihanna's penchant for shaking her ass all over the place as empowering and one of my older editors at a different publication said, 'I burned my bra for this?' I laughed, but it's a small example of this conversation. One thing can be some many

How funny! My Aussies will practically take off your hand for carrots! Aren't animals fun?

-_- I literally wrote a comment saying that there are different viewpoints in feminism and we should be respectful and you responded in the exact opposite way without any critical thought or argumentative skills. Good job.

Huh? First of all I'm pretty sure Hillary Crosley is a woman. Second, I didn't have a damn clue what "bell *fucking* hooks" meant, so I was glad to have some perspective.

I can't remember ever having encountered anything about bell hooks before, so I was mystified why her name isn't capitalized. In case anyone else is also wondering:

I worked tirelessly as a child to get rid of my Boston accent but when I've had one drink too many my Rs start running and showing up all over the place. I hate it.

Same with my husband. The Maryland accent comes out when he's drunk, or should I say Murrl-un.

I hate when I am reminded that people poo, and where from, in this fashion.