
My sister and I used to do that with O Henry just to see the wrapper crinkle.

Man - it's pretty awesome that this church is buying (legal I hope) weed for homosexuals. That's a great public service!

Just wrote something similar- why in the world would they not do this in black and white?!?!

Nope. I am (usually) okay with movie adaptations. I get that things need to change in order to make a movie work, but this is too much. The movie should be black and white. Jonas should be 12. I am firmly in the NOT OKAY group on this one.

OMFG NAVEEN ANDREWS. There is no place or time I would not hit that. With a fox, on a box, wearing socks, whatever MOAR NOW.

These people make my brain hurt. I have an autistic nephew and my sister blames the vaccines. She won't listen to the evidence that shows vaccines are not to blame, but I think people just need SOMETHING to blame.

You can pry my garlic press from my cold, dead hands. Cutting garlic is like my worst thing. Yes, I'm a heathen.

Can... can I be your bar-skipping friend?

I think I've found my new tradition!

Nailed it on the clothes! You're right, it has nothing to do with shame, but I live in the north & have run into girls in a tube top or halter tops while I'm in my winter coat and hustling to get inside. Girl. You can still get yo drank on in a cute sweater or green hoodie. Brr!

St. Patrick's Day 2012, I was 21 and out at an awful bar with some friends. Ended up getting a lot more wasted than I was anticipating, as one does. I blacked out at some point and woke up in my bed the next morning with a friend who I barely remembered hooking up with. I had to ask my friend to explain what happened

"I met my wife, Megan and we made Black Dennis together"

I wish this dude would just go away now.

Wait, "Bro Co-Eds"? Bro-Eds? We should totally make that a thing.

I worked in an underwear shop for 4 years. Saw it all. Skid marks, period blood, breast milk, flange smell. Humans are absolutely disgusting. We tried ignoring company policy and refused to let people try any pants on, because we were writing off too much stock. They found out and insisted we re-instate it. They also

OMG! This happened to me once at a Filene's, too! I was about 13 or 14 at the time? Anyway, I was more concerned with "How do I get this thing out of my dressing room without having people think I did it?" than the gross factor. I actually ended up putting it back on the rack. Sorry guys, but I wasn't about to

I used to work at L&T's, and this happened at least once every swim season. You're right, people are gross.

I used to work at Macy's, but thankfully not in clothing. Occasionally, adult pants would be peed in and left in the dressing rooms. That was... nightmares.