
Fair enough. The rhythm method is entirely unreliable (considering so many women don't have much of a "rhythm"), and I'm pretty sure basal body thermometers weren't around 100 years ago. I work for a Catholic school, but I am not Catholic. Unfortunately, my health insurance won't cover birth control pills, and since

By time and money, you mean the 15 seconds it takes to take your temperature in the morning, and the zero dollars to chart? That time and money? Personally, I have found it much more convenient than paying for pills, seeing the gyno, refilling prescriptions, etc.

"Providing cost effective birth control pills or free condoms will prevent more unwanted pregnancies than handing out vaginal thermometers."

The rhythm method and natural family planning are not the same thing. Natural family planning (in which you record fertility signs such as basal body temperature, cervical fluid and the position of the cervix) is scientific and very effective when used correctly.

Not so much, actually.

Wait what? Which borough is "the west coast" in? Staten Island or the Bronx?

It's okay to morally judge people who go shopping on Thursday, forcing underpaid hourly workers to miss Thanksgiving merriment with their families, right? Shoppers on Thursday are just bad people, period.

But the typical selfie is not taken by women who have just completed Iron Man Triathlons

I volunteered at a planned parenthood, and I can tell you anecdotally that the emotion i saw most frequently was this immense sense of relief

"To be fair, sexiness is an entirely subjective concept! Apart from Alan Alda and Beyoncé, there's probably not a single person on this planet who we can all agree is sexy."

Your love of Alan Alda is as hilarious as it is unexpected.

Beat me to it! Every time I see that guy I think, "Now there's a glitter bomb with an unstable fuse."

Have you considered that the men are funnier contention misses two rather important words? Men tend to be funnier ... to men. But since men are not the sole determiners of what's funny to the whole population, this contention is horseshit. Sexist, used-to-being-the-bosses-of-the-world horseshit.

I think it's pretty obvious in 2013 that the default in lots of hiring is White guys. Especially in something like comedy writing. So yes, having a diverse writing room takes extra effort and if it's important to you you'll make the effort.

"Able was I, ere I saw Elba."

I'm a straight dude, but I completely co-sign this.

I had never met one of these women until I went to dinner at a friend's house a couple of years ago. Her parents were there, and they made the food so I tried my best to be very polite. But somehow we got into a discussion about sports, and specifically the WNBA, and the mom of the family kept insisting that it was

I have said it before.. He is REALLY nice in person. I met him on the streets of NOLA and he was as sweet as could be. Him and his also yummy british pal he was walking with thanked us for saying how much we enjoyed his work.

My mom continually tries to get me to vote Republican and simply can't get her to understand that I will not vote for a party that doesn't respect my basic bodily autonomy or recognize a reason for my existence (as an unmarried woman who doesn't produce babies I'm basically value-less for these bloated relics of